3rd of July. Summer. Konoha Academy. Lunch.

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The lunch bell rings and you've slowed to a halt on the final stretch of stairs before the rooftop access. Well, shit. You kinda don't wanna go down to your classroom to get your bento but it's lunch. A girl gets fucking hungry after all that built up stress and pent up frustration. Kicking the edge of the top step, you shove your hand into your pocket and pull the lollipop out with a pinch of your fingers.

At least Shikamaru remembers.

The lollipop isn't anything special. Something you can get for a mere twenty yen at the ol' mom and pop store further down the street by the station. But somehow it just incites a very warm reaction within you, jagged shards of warmth travelling down your neck and throughout your chest, the spread staggered only by how twisted your heart feels right now.

Whatever. This is stupid. Worrying about all of that is stupid anyways.

You're just going to cruise through high school, then get a recommendation letter to Todai from Father's connections. Then proceed to get engaged to someone whom you're going to have a loveless and broken relationship with. Popping out a few kids to satisfy your in laws and then neglecting them in favour of self-medicating through the shitty marriage with alcohol.

Lots and lots of alcohol.

You can already see your future self, old and haggard. Face and skin ravaged by time and the bottom of a shochu glass but ultimately making your father happy. Through the connections that your marriage will make and whatever prestigious position that comes with it.

The plastic covering of the lollipop peels off with ease, using your perfectly manicured nails to dig under the edges. You pop it into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the candy to savour the sweet taste of chemically manufactured components that make up the flavour profile of strawberry red.

It's sickeningly sweet. But it's strawberry.

You creak the door open and step out onto the roof, enjoying the hot breeze whipping your hair wildly against the back of your neck. So hard that you had to press your hair down with a careful hand so that you'd have less things to fix before heading back to class when lunch ends.

Konoha Academy is smack dab in the middle of the metropolis of Minato city. So all you see from the rooftops are just endless buildings after buildings and through the cracks between the buildings, the faint silhouette of the shoreline of Tokyo bay to your right. You'd say that the view is nothing special. But it's a privilege only the wealthiest can afford.

Fortunately for you. Right now, you're among one of them.

You peer around, looking to see if there's anyone around. It's strange. There isn't a single soul in sight. Were they all opting to eat indoors and enjoying the cool air that the air-conditioned classroom offers instead? Perhaps. You don't blame them. You'd want to eat indoors too but your feet brings you to the open air roof and you're stuck here since seeing Ino's face right now will just worsen your mood.

God knows what you'll need to do to flush all of your excessive emotions out of your system. Mother says stress ages the skin. You're a good girl, you suppose, so you listen. She wants you to remain a youthful, fresh faced girl like she was once before. Before she married Father.

You'd thought about it a lot, when you were younger but you just couldn't understand. Things just wasn't the same anymore once your father got elected into his current position. Then in a blink of an eye, your family moved out of the old, ratty 2LDK apartment that you used to live in and into this upscale, designer penthouse in Aoyama-Itchome. It was shiny, it was new. And then came another set of problems.

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