3rd of July. Summer. Shikamaru's Apartment & Konoha Academy.

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You guess it would be easy to say that Shikamaru takes care of you really well. He does. But it's not really the same when there isn't a label involved. Like your relationship with Shisui. You'd like to say that the both of you are dating, but is it really considered dating if your boyfriend always puts some other girl in front of you? 

Since Shisui didn't ask or ever popped the question about seeing him exclusively, you guess it'll be okay for you to see other people as well. 

He doesn't seem like he doesn't have any qualms with doing the same thing to you. You started your thing with him almost two months ago and he still rotates between women like ordering different cups of coffee every weekend at the Starbucks in Roppongi.

They were fine, since they were a rotation. Different women like different accessories. Something he shares with Sasuke. Maybe they can't be with the same woman for a long time, but then where does it leave you in Shisui's book?

Izumi isn't. Maybe the both of them are in love with a woman they cannot have? The thrill of a forbidden romance?

A constant reminder of a hurdle in your way that you've no way of jumping over.

Maybe you should cut him off. He's made you feel like you're in second place for far too long.

Maybe Shikamaru feels guilty for what he did to you. Maybe he's lonely and just wants to get laid. Either way, you don't want him anymore and even if the both of you did make it official for real. It just wouldn't really sit right with you. Whatever that happened between the both of you like way before, kinda broke you in ways that you didn't really expect.

You had thought it was different. You had thought he was in love with you.

Maybe you needed a good dicking down so that you could start thinking straight.


You wake up to the rays of the filtered sun jumping and dancing on your face, the moving light rousing you up from your sleep faster than your normal alarm would. You're made very aware of the sore feeling in your legs and between the apex of your thighs when you try to lift your body up into a sitting position and it friggin' hurts (In a good way).

A quiet hiss escapes from your lips as you throw the blankets off you and swing your legs to the edge of the bed, sitting there for a bit until you're more coherent. Your vision is still a blurry mess and all you see are shapes of gray. There's a white blob in the futon beside you, sporting knit eyebrows and a deep scowl etched onto his face. You can't help but to laugh a little.

How cute. It's always been a habit of his from before, even in the summer.

It's finally morning and it's another new day at school where you have to put up a fake mask, held up by that fake smile, stitched together with that fake personality that just isn't you. It's only been three months and you're already tired of playing the good girl outside of the house.

Three months, huh? It just went by really fast. 

You prop your arms on the sides of your thighs and study the white cocoon before you. Only his upper body is covered, his legs are sticking out haphazardly from under the covers. They're muscular but not too muscular. You'd say that he has cyclist's legs but just a bit on the lean side and that his shins are relatively sparse with leg hair. Trails that lead all the way up beyond his boxers.

You give his butt a good poke with your toe, ignoring the flaring ache of your muscles. Shikamaru doesn't move or budge from his current sleeping position. You poke him again (it's bouncy).

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