3rd of July. Summer. Konoha Academy. 1st Period.

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The air almost buzzes with energy and conversation as everybody starts filing into the classroom, girls and boys chit-chattering away about what event they attended during the weekend (well, only Sunday since the entire school had mandatory lessons on Saturday) and whatever thing/activity they did then.

The radiating heat. A not so gentle reminder that it's still the beginning of Summer.

You think you heard one of them talking about their short visit to Okinawa on their private jet, just to eat some ramen? You scoff inwardly. That's such a bourgeois thing to do, flaunting their ownership of a private jet like that. Then again, a school full of rich kids. You shouldn't expect otherwise. It's even stranger to not hear anything extravagant like that happening.

Burying yourself in one of Shikamaru's novels that you nicked from his room, you adjust your weight on the chair, hoping to get into a more comfortable position to read in but alas. Your butt doesn't agree with the wooden chair.

A gust of wind blows through the slits, whipping your hair violently into your face. Crap. This is... quite unbecoming. You wince as a lock of your hair goes into your eyes as you're attempting to secure your hair behind your ears.

You pick at your starchy uniform in mild irritation as you slide into your usual seat by the window, the soft material is so stiff and it itches! You suppose you did see it coming since it's probably (four-ish months is a long time okay? You have a lot to think about on your plate) a new uniform you left at Shikamaru's place.

"Oh," Ino pipes up from beside you, pointing her finger at the cover of the book you're reading. Her eyes lighting up in recognition, "Hey isn't this that novel-" She pauses and her eyes glaze over with a kind of sheen that you've only seen in the reflection of your bathroom mirror, "Oh. Well. It doesn't matter anymore."

The wind blew the scent of Shikamaru's cologne her way for sure. Ehehe. If Shikamaru's hearing your conversation right now, you're sure he'd say something like, "Hey, you. Stop bullying Ino so much."

Ah, but it's so fun!

It's also a little disconcerting that you hear Shikamaru's voice in your head as clear as day but you'll deal with that thought another time.

You close the book shut and smile at her politely but your smile ends up wider than you would've liked showing, "That novel? Could you repeat what you said? I didn't catch the last part." Ah. Dame, dame. You shouldn't be so mean but- being in a position of power can be quite exhilarating. A shot of adrenaline pumps into your body and you're suddenly more awake.

Ino becomes visibly flustered as she stumbles over her words, "Eh-uh. It's nothing really. Just mumbling to myself, really. It's just, that novel you're reading is what- uh. My friend used to read. Yeah. Friend." She throws a hasty glance over her shoulder but stops herself mid-head turn.

"Oh?" You say, smile widening just a fraction, "A friend? I see. That friend of yours has really good taste in books." You tilt your head to your right to draw some attention to the bag that you're carrying. The side with Shikamaru's name printed over the white tag. You swing the bag over to the left side of your desk, to prop it against the wall.

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