2nd of July. Summer. Choji's Restaurant.

852 49 24

Shikamaru comes back a few minutes later with a plate with a significant amount of premium wagyu piled on top. Looking like he finally realizes what went down earlier and the reason for your shitty mood. At least the anticipation of the creamy meat makes you feel a lot better than before but damn that shochu is rank as hell.

"Shit," Shikamaru says, disapproval thick in his voice, "That was shochu wasn't it?" He scrunches his nose when you open your mouth to accept the meat he's feeding you. The smell of alcohol must be really strong. It is. You feel tipsy already. What's Sasuke doing with that glass anyway?

"You saw what just happened," You gesture vaguely in front of you, like you're trying to round up what has happened, "Stupid Sasuke flaunting the fact that Shisui is in love with Izumi. Itachi's fiancée by the way." MM! The meat is really good! It almost melts on your tongue spreading that wonderfully fatty flavor of premium wagyu. It's almost good enough to make you forget what you saw. Keyword, almost.

"Yeah I know who Uchiha Izumi is," Shikamaru pops a couple of slices into his mouth in one go, "They like to keep it in the family."

You almost spit out the morsel of meat in your mouth, looking at him with wide eyes and stopping short on choking on air. How embarrassing, "W-what?" Also what a barbarian. He just gulps it all in one go without savoring the taste of meat! Your vision is going slightly wonky, straight lines curving and waving impossibly.

"Choji brings me out for yakiniku so often that it's a habit, sorry," He grins sheepishly, chewing his food a little before swallowing, "Just kidding. She's a distant relative. Adopted into their family register with the intent of marriage."

You just blink at Shikamaru. What kind of appetite does Choji need to have if he makes Shikamaru shovel in meat like this? That and the fact that he just implied whatever he just said. "Shisui's in love with his cousin's fiancée. Can we focus on that?" You say, eyebrows furrowing in a rare sight of visible irritation as you help yourself to another piece.

He makes a groaning noise, the kind he does when he's trying to think. He finds an answer after a few more bites of wagyu, "It seems like Sasuke is the one in love with Uchiha Izumi to me. I mean, why would he seek you out on purpose? I mean, you're in lo-" He gulps inaudibly when he sees the death glare that you're sending his way, challenging him to finish that sentence. Shikamaru clears his throat and whispers the next part, "You're sleeping with Shisui-sensei and Sasuke's in love with the girl that sensei has to accompany because Itachi further occupied with. Things." He waves his hand in a circular motion at the end for further emphasis on things.

You purse your lips together, "I'm not in love with Shisui. Not, in lo- You know what? Whatever. Summarize that for me." The strap of your bag hangs heavy so you adjust it by running your fingers underneath.

Shikamaru makes a tsk sound with his mouth and his trademark scowl comes back full force, "Hah? Use your brain for once or it'll rot." He shoves a piece into your mouth for good measure. You shoot him a look as you savor the texture. This one has a slightly peppery body with a smoky aftertaste.

"Mmm. The smoked wagyu is mechau oishi!" You clench your fists under your chin as you squeal like a typical girl. Absolute bliss splattered over your face like a Jackson Pollack painting.

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