my parents

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Don t get me wrong I LOVE my parents but sometimes they can overreact more than overreacting

So my friend had yelled at my ex and his friends who were walking home "WHY CAN'T KIWI WALK WITH YOU ANYMORE?" And she called me about it, I laughed and said "Yas queen I love that,  do moreeee" and I realize that that was mean and I shouldn't of egged her on so I texted her saying "still, don't do that cuz it's kinda mean" so fair is fair, right? But then my mom who was in the car BLEW UP ON ME saying things like "Do you mean be like those bad no good mean kids? We didn't raise you to be like this, I'm disappointed in you" .... I say i n sorry and that I didn't mean to be like that. I KID YOU NOT THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER "antagonized" SOMEONE LIKE THAT AND SHE KNEW DAMN WELL TOO. So now it's my dad's turn to blow up on me. We get home and my mom tells him. He talks to me in private and asks in a bounce that wasn't yelling but was loud "What the HELL is wrong with you?!" I'm speechless. The moment I make ONE mistake you ask what the hell is wrong with me? Ok ok. Cuz that's great parenting. And he says to me "I know people make mistakes and that's a way of life" OK BUT THERE IS STILL SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME AIN'T THERE. But I keep my mouth SHUT. Then he says "I am so disappointed in you. Is this how we raised you?" I MADE ONE FUCKING MISTAKE AND (ACCORDING TO YOU) ANTAGONIZED SOMEONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE A HOMOPHOBIC, SPITEFUL, PERSON X3 I tell him, "I realize I made a mistake and I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I don't know what came over me" etc etc. And you know what he says?

"It doesn't sound like it"


OK WELL WTF IS IT SUPPOSED TO SOUND LIKE? ME ON MY KNEES BEGGING FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS? PRAYING TO THE LORD FOR HIM TO FORGIVE MY SINS? SLAUGHTERING MY FIRSTBORN AS PENANCE? Yet they ask me why am I'm never happy and why I don't open up to them. I mean it's clear as day isn't it. The moment I make ONE mistake ONE flaw, "What the hell is wrong with me" So me being emotional I start to tear up, can you blame me? So he tells me to finish cleaning up the backyard and the moment my mom comes to tell me something, she sees me on the verge of bawling, she couldn't give less of a flying fuck. She ignores me and tells me to put laundry away then leaves with my dad to get their car.

I might be overreacting but that's not how you treat your child. You don't tell them that everyone makes mistakes and in the same breath talk to them like they are a mistake. You and why I'm so tense and stressed yet the moment I do something wrong, AFTER FIXING IT AS BEST AS I CAN you act as if I've become the antichrist. I can't go back and time and erase my mistakes. They act as if I'll never be nice ever again and I'll be a shitty person for the rest of my life. Wait until tonight when they act like nothing ever happened.

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