𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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"-and then file this over that section!" walking around the room was 5 Narutos with each of their own jobs as the real one sat on the chair, working like there's no tomorrow

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"-and then file this over that section!" walking around the room was 5 Narutos with each of their own jobs as the real one sat on the chair, working like there's no tomorrow. "THAT ONE DOESN'T GO THERE DATTEBAYO!" exclaimed one of them. "IT DOES SO STUPID!" one of them yelled back.

"BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP!" the real Naruto barked in exasperation, tired of their bickering. Hearing a knock, his attention shifted to the door "Come in." he announced, glaring at his kage bunshins as a warning.

"Dobe." Sasuke greeted, his face blank as always. "Sasuke! What are you doing here?" Naruto happily asked, standing up from his chair to get to Sasuke.

Crossing his arm "Let's spar." Sasuke demanded standing a meter away from Naruto. Naruto gulped, his throat itching a little. "Eh? I'm kind of busy right now, Sasuke." chuckling, he reasoned nervously.

"Let's go." Sasuke walked out the door, ignorning Naruto's respond. Naruto sighed, scratching his head in defeat as he dispelled his kage bunshins and followed Sasuke to the training grounds.

Silenced enveloped them as they continued to walk; content with the peace and quiet. Naruto descreetly looked at Sasuke in the corner of his eyes 'Its been awhile since I've been this close to him. Looks like he hasn't changed a bit, huh.' he mused.

"Quit looking, dobe." Sasuke turned his face to him, obsidian meeting azure. Naruto's heart skipped a beat as he averted his eyes "Hehe! you caught me." his hands crossed behind his head, he beamed. "I heard you went on a date with Sakura-chan?" he probed teasingly, hoping Sasuke doesn't catch the fake cheerfullness in his voice.


Naruto's throat itched more than before, his body feeling heavy from hearing his respond. He doesn't really know if that's a confirmation or if he just doesn't want to answer his question but it still left his chest aching.

He turned his head to him once more, annoyed clear on his face "What?! that's it?! you gotta give me more than that. Details, Sasuke!" he whined ignoring the pain.

"We're here." Sasuke stated, walking straight to the middle of the secluded training ground, ignoring Naruto's grumbling. "Damn it, you cheapstake." he pouted as he followed Sasuke.

"So, same rules? no chakra, just pure taijutsu?" Naruto asked taking his stance, ready for his opponent's attack. "Hn." he answered, taking his stance also.

"3, 2, 1!" they ran towards each other, speed so fast even a jounin wold have a hard time following them with their eyes. They sparred for hours, no clear winners, as they tried to one up one another in their friendly match.

"Heeeeyy!!" A loud shout distracted Naruto, giving Sasuke an advantage to lock him in a headlock. "Hey, no fair!" he squawked, tapping on the floor as a sign of give up. Sasuke smirked at him, cleary smugged about his win "A win is a win." he voiced, giving Naruto a hand to pull him up. "Whatever." Naruto grumbled, slightly bitter about his lost as they both looked up at the person who interrupted their spar walking towards them.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!" Naruto beamed in greeting, sweat dripping his forehead. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if I can borrow Sasuke for a little bit. I kind of need his help for something." Sakura asked urgently, looking Sasuke in the eye.

Naruto can feel it again; something coming up his throat, a throbbing pain in his chest and a tingling sensation in his thoat. "Uhh yeah sure.. I actually gotta go too. Shikamaru's probably going crazy right now with all the work after I took off without telling him. Hehe, y'know how he is. Let's spar again later, Sasuke! See you, Sakura-chan!" he slowly ran to the tower after prattling a goodbye to his teammates, ignoring Sasuke's voice.

"Naruto! wai-"

Sakura, calling Sasuke's name was the last thing he heard as he sprinted like a deer running for its life straight to his office hoping Shikamaru would not be there.

He walked inside his office, taking deep breaths as he closed the door even though it didn't seemed to work. "Leave." he commanded to his anbu guards with strain. He sat on his chair in struggle when he sensed them leave, nauseous enveloping him as he tried to breathe.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" a voiced asked in concern.

Naruto snapped his head to his right, surprised clear on his face seeing Kakashi perched on his window. He shooked his head, not able to utter a respond as he bent his body as he continued to dry-heave, tears pooling from his eyes from the pain in his chest and throat. With one last cough, a red petal fell from his lips and on the floor.

Silence surrounded them like a mist, and shocked radiated from the both of them. He didn't really think about it when it happened the first time. In his mind, he thought that maybe he just accidently swallowed a petal when he was training, he wouldn't put it past him if he did, but now that it happened the second time..

He looked at Kakashi, pleading for some answers. Kakashi snapped his attention to Naruto, away from the petal and he could see just how terrified the kid was. He walked towards him, putting his hands on Naruto's shoulder giving him some comfort.

"I'm here, Naruto."
Kakashi my bae to the rescue~ 😍😍
I'm already struggling with just normal descriptions, describing fighting scenes is definitely beyond my capabilities 😂 and I just realized i'm bad at writing conversations. Sasuke literally said less than 5 words in the whole 2 chapters, 🤪 but I swear this is going somewhere! either angsty or happy lolol i already have the plot lined up in my folder. Kind of. xD

Thanks for reading! Comments and vote are appreciated. :*

𝐥𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 ; 𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now