𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚

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Ino watched Naruto hang out with Sasuke from afar with a frown on her face

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Ino watched Naruto hang out with Sasuke from afar with a frown on her face. She was worried for him. She knew that the disease worsen when you're with the person you're in love with and it looked like Naruto's just too eager to die.  'That fool.' she scowled in her mind.

She could see how fond Sasuke was of Naruto. The way he would smile at him, or the way he took secret glances at the blonde. She could clearly see it. Sasuke was in love with Naruto, Naruto just couldn't see it. That martyr. She rolled her eyes before an idea came to her. Her eyes burned with determination. She decided, he needed to know.

"I can clearly see your thoughts on your face." Kakashi said out of nowhere after he teleported right by her side, also watching his students with a tender look on his face (eyes). Ino shrieked in surprise as she clenched her hand on her chest, trying to calm her beating heart. "Seriously, Kakashi-sensei!?!" she yelled at him quietly, her cheeks turned pink from getting caught red-handed.

"You shouldn't be so impulsive, you know." Kakashi reminded her. Ino turned away from him, crossing her arms with a hmph. "We don't have time to idle around." she reasoned with him. Kakashi hummed in response. "That's true."

Silence descended them as they watched the two separate their ways.

Ino followed Sasuke on his way home. He already probably felt her following him but she didn't care. After walking for a couple minutes, they arrived at a secluded area. Sasuke turned around, meeting her eyes with a straight face. "What do you want, Ino?" he asked with that cold tone of his. Ino rolled her eyes before meeting his eyes. "I need to talk to you."


"Tomorrow after your meet up with Naruto, go to his house but don't let him catch you." Ino instructed seriously. She couldn't tell him because Naruto made her promise but it didn't mean she couldn't pave his way to the truth. "Why would I do that?" Sasuke asked, confusion clear on his face.

"Just do it! You'll see." then she teleported away.


𝐥𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 ; 𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now