The wrong side

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Friendship goals That's what people will say; Melantha and Ryden were inseparable, doing everything together to the point where people assumed they were a couple, they met in middle school, two introverted kids with no one except them.

Melantha was closed off, she was the polar opposite of an open book, she had black hair like a gloomy night with no moon, she had aqua blue eyes that people loved, she was beautiful, except for the blank expression that was painted on her face, she had a bright personality but her life was messed up, still, she didn't let her life stop her, she was smart and she faced everything life threw at her, Ryden was a favorite of hers.

Ryden was one of the only people who knew her. Ryden was tall, his brunette hair was always in his face but it never covered his dark eyes, his eyes were colored, they were black and brown, Melantha found them intriguing, Ryden was the polar opposite of Melantha, he was an open book and very talkative and yeah opposites attract, their friendship soon changed as Melantha became distant.

She was out most of the day and returned to their place late and exhausted. Ryden was concerned about her, particularly because there was a serial killer on the loose.

Ryden and Melantha shared a small, cozy apartment, they rented it when they turned 21 and they've lived in it for 3 years now, living together worked out well, Ryden was in charge of the kitchen because Melantha would most likely burn it down but she cooked small recipes every now and then, they both worked different jobs, Melantha worked in the forensic science department and Ryden was a manager in a very successful company, Their lives were carefree and worry-free before a serial killer began murdering Ryden's ex-girlfriends and Melantha was in charge of their autopsies.


Monday, 6:00 am

Ryden awoke to the sound of pans and plates and dashed downstairs to see Melantha cooking. "It's been a while since I've seen this sight," he chuckled, and Melantha laughed with him.

'A new victim was discovered by the lake last night, she was named as Sloane Asola, a 25-year-old lady, the same initials as the other victims were found on her waist MR, she was said to be in critical condition as she did not die,' Their laughter was cut short when they heard a voice from the television.

When Melantha heard the story, she choked on her coffee "Momo, are you okay?" "I'm good, the coffee is just salty," she said, and Ryden chuckled, "you really don't know the difference between sugar and salt, huh?" "Nope, they're confusing," Melantha said.

He becomes solemn all of a sudden "But it's odd; why is the killer going after my ex-girlfriends? Have you received any news?" "No, but I don't care, they deserve to rot, they don't cheat on an angel and get away with it," When Ryden heard Melantha, he did a pretend hair flip.

"However, it does not make sense because the police said that the case is complicated." Ryden went on to say, "It is, they were clearly murdered with a knife, but the trace on their waists is perplexing; we've been trying to decode it for weeks and aren't even near." Melantha explained, and Ryden nodded in agreement.

Ryden, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Melantha asked as she set the dishes on the table, "Yes," he said as he began to eat, "are you free this evening?" Melantha, who was playing with her rice, inquired, "Are you taking me out on a date, honey?" Ryden teased "No eww, I have something really essential to tell you," Melantha said "Yes, I'm free, what's up?" he said, smiling. "Can you meet me here?" Melantha said as she handed him the spot, neatly written on a piece of paper  "You're not going to kill me, are you?". He grinned as he took the note, and she laughed "no," continuing to eat. Ryden left for work, and Melantha remained to tidy up before leaving.


The evening 6:30

Melantha went to her room to get changed, dressed simply and casually, and went to the lake to meet Ryden, who was waiting for her on a bench, texting with an unknown person.

"Hey Melantha," he said, "Sloane died" he continued, "seriously, did the police get to talk to her?" she asked, taking a deep breath, "no, she was unconscious and someone cut off her life supply and nothing was seen on the cameras," he said, "the killer is ruthless" he continued.

"So, what made you want to meet me here?" "Money was taken from my bank account and sent to my aunt, I didn't do it, and you're the only one who has access beside me, "Melantha elaborated.

"Oh yeah, your aunt called me, she said she couldn't find you and she needed the money to do an emergency operation for your cousin, I was going to tell you but I hardly see you anymore," he said with his face down, she looked surprised, her mouth wide open, her eyes wide "What?! And you just give her the money like that, notwithstanding the fact that she doesn't have a child!" He stuttered, "you honestly giving the one who abused me half my childhood thousands of dollars that I saved up so she can do god knows what because she isn't capable of earning her own income!" she said, almost enraged. She was furious, her expression darkening.

"I didn't know, I'm so sorry, I'll contact the bank to see what I can do" he was the one getting angry, his cheeks flushed "They won't do something, she's my family" she hissed and stormed away "I'll see what I can do" he rushed after her and grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking farther away.

"Listen, is it that bad, she's clearly in trouble, you'll make some money again, let her get some money," Ryden said. I can't believe you're siding with her; you'll be sorry!" She hissed, clenched her jaws, and backed forward.

He saw her leave and walked back home to think about making it up to her, while Melantha went to do something that her past self would never do, but her thoughts were getting worse even faster now, she was diagnosed with a mental illness that caused her to hurt herself and others impulsively but it was under control, but now she let all her demons out to ruin Ryden's life. She took Ryden's jacket from his wardrobe and cried her way to Tsillah's place.

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