The man of the past

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"Hello, I'm Nukpana!" He said offering his hand for a handshake, "I'm Melantha, and it's nice to meet you!" She shook his hand and smiled, "I've been friends with Ryden since we were young but I never saw you around" Melantha stated "Oh, that's because I live in Brazil with my father" He informed her "oh okay!".

Melantha grinned, soon after Nukpana and Mrs. Fields began talking, Melantha couldn't help but admire him when they're talking, he didn't resemble Ryden much, he was dark-skinned, his emerald green eyes shining under the light of the room, he looked younger than Rydan, maybe in his early twenties, but what caught her eye the most was the dragon tattoo on his arm continuing to his shoulder, it showed off a hint of danger but it looked unique, Melantha began talking with them and got to know Nukpana more.


Melantha didn't have anything planned for today, so she opted to pay a visit to Ryden; she wanted to accompany Nukpana in the hopes of learning more about their friendship.

The policeman led Melantha and Nukpana to Ryden's jail cell; Ryden seemed pale as if he had been suffering for days; he was smaller and the colors had faded from his lips; he welcomed them with a faint smile and they had several conversations; Melantha apologized for not attending his trial and justified her absence. Melantha could see the boys knew each other well; Nukpana was upset to see Ryden behind bars, but Ryden was relieved to see his stepbrother.

She couldn't stop comparing their friendship to hers and H's, they seemed to do everything for each other even when it was illegal, she related to that, she would do everything for H, even though it meant serving years in prison, you might say she loved him but she already knew that their relationship was complicated, she tried anything to get closer to him and sometimes succeeded, H was like her, he didn't let just anyone in, so it was hard but they were really good friends and that mattered everything to her.

You may wonder why Melantha will sentence one of her closest friends to years in jail, but everyone has their reasons, right? Ryden was pushy and bossy, he could get aggressive to get whatever he wanted and he usually did, Melantha didn't let him do anything to sabotage their relationship so Ryden would get out of hand occasionally, he would walk into the apartment and start screaming suddenly and tossing stuff around, When he was tired of screaming, he would go to his bed, closing the door behind him, leaving a terrified Melantha behind him, she always cleaned up the glass pieces and their various furniture that he smashed in his little crazy act, she always cleaned his mess and she hated it, and after her aunt stunt, she was done and she got rid of Ryden.

You may be wondering why Melantha killed Ryden's ex-girlfriends. Well, even if Ryden was aggressive to her, she still had his back, and his girlfriends would hurt him, shut him out, cheat on him, or leave him for someone else, so Melantha killed them for attempting to harm Ryden, and some of them were old bullies in her high school that would pick on H, so she had two reasons to kill them.

Nukpana and Melantha spent the majority of their days together and grew closer, but Melantha didn't open up to him just yet.

one day they were in a cafe and Nukpana asked Melantha about her past, Melantha felt like Nukpana could be trusted yet she kept to her boundaries so she opened up to him "Two loving people had me, Mallory and Keres, they were deeply in love, but I had a very jealous aunt called Cruella, she wanted everything, mother had and did I forget to mention she had a mental illness that affected her way of dealing with anger and she would always use violence so one day she kidnapped both of my parents and put them in a basement in her house, mom was pregnant with me at that time and had me after a few months but she was weak because aunt didn't give her an appropriate amount of food she died and we soon learned after busting out that mom had cancer, dad was devastated but he tried to take care of me by giving me some of his food and playing with me, one day aunt was in her work and dad managed to break the lock but he found that my dearest auntie was working from home so he knocked her out and he went to the nearest police station and told them about the kidnapping, I was five at that time, I lived with my dad and he took care of me, he was an amazing dad, I'm really proud of him, when I was 12 my dad was diagnosed with tuberculosis, at that time I met Ryden Fields, he was like my knight in shining armor, he defended me and played with me every now and then, my father passed away after two months of his diagnosis and Ryden helped me every step of the way, he comforted me and stood with me at the funeral and hid me when I was crying my eyes out, it was cute, and I lived with the Fields family ever since then, me and Ryden moved in an apartment of our own" she said "That's my life" she continued giggling

"I'm so sorry," Nukpana said and hugged her "don't be" She hugged him back "it's only fair you tell me your story," she said "sure" he chuckled "there's not much to say, my dad married Ryden's mom when Ryden's dad left her, they had me soon after, I had a good childhood with Ryden but mom and dad had some conflicts and they divorced, dad went back to brazil, his hometown and took me with him and mom remarried another man, dad never mentioned mom and they never communicated, I came back after hearing about Ryden from the news and I guess I'm sticking here for a while," He said "If you don't mind me asking, Why do you want to stay here if it brings back bad memories, I presume," She asked "well, I don't believe Ryden committed that crime, I want to know the real killer Melantha," he said and Melantha smirked, her eyes darkening "and how are you going to do that?" she sassed "A gangster has his ways" he winked.

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