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archer goes gay ;

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archer goes gay ;

Dear someone,

There's nothing important about this part.

Just deeply, deeply embarrassing. I guess I wanna reveal my most traumatising and humiliating moment because, as you'll see soon, I don't have many moments with him left, and I wanna cherish as many of them as possible. Even the ones that make me want to die.

I still go red enough that you can see it though my caramel skin just thinking about it.

The Wicked Witch of the West, otherwise known as the only girlfriend I ever had (don't judge me, peer pressure is real and it lasted about two weeks, anyway), was hosting a costume party at her house.

I didn't understand why she couldn't wait for Halloween, it was only a few months away. Guess she wanted to end the summer vacation before junior year with a bang.

For once in my life, I wasn't in the mood to get so sloshed that I'd barely remember a thing.

For once in my life, I was prepared to not go out - just lay in my comfortable bed while eating a mouth watering triple mac and cheese and binge on Shameless.

Shocker, I know. I wonder if my therapist would consider that an improvement?

Then again, the only reason that happened was because sometimes I get sad and all I want to do is hole myself up and not be around anyone as I wallow in my feelings.

It should've gone that way.

But when has life ever gone my way?

It was Friday and I'd just come back from training with some of the guys from the team. Even though it was the holidays, you have to keep fit, coach said.

I had no plans whatsoever to leave the house, so when they'd all left to get ready for that stupid party, I was going home.

I was ready for my routine of going to Jukes, a restaurant down the road from my house that sells the Mac and cheese, then getting back and showering before I'd crawl into my bed with my iPad and watch Netflix.

That was supposed to be the plan. It was supposed to go without a hitch.

The night started out good: I got my Mac and cheese. That's about as far as 'good' got. See, what I hadn't anticipated was Starry Eyes showing up to my house, just as I got out the shower.

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