Staring Contest

231 7 11

      This is a Tendou x Genderless reader.


       'Again?', you thought as you made eye contact with him. He smiled at your glare. You refuse to break eye contact. 'If I break eye contact, it's another loss for me and another win for him!'

       So as you sat in the lunchroom, you stared the spikey redhead down. He grinned smugly while you frowned. 'Cocky little bastard!' He leaned closer to Ushijima and whispered something all the while maintaining eye contact.

       Your cheeks flushed slightly as you began wondering what he said. He lifted his hands and began making indecipherable gestures. You furrowed your brows in confusion. His grin just intensified.

       After what felt as though it was forever, he turned his head and broke eye contact. You jumped up and cheered, but soon stopped as you got weird looks from your peers.

       The bell rang and you dumped your tray. As you grabbed your stuff to get ready for class, you marked on a piece of paper your most recent victory.

         " (Y/n) : 5"

          You spoke silently to yourself and giggled slightly. "Im catching up Tendou."

~~to the end of the day~~

          After the day was finished, you were walking home when you heard the familiar sounds of a volleyball being hit. "Chance ball!", you heard. You walked over to the gym and peeked inside.

          You gawked as you saw Ushijima jump and spike the ball. You watched in awe from the doorway for a few minutes before you felt a pair of eyes on you.

          You looked a bit to the right and saw Tendou looking at you. He smiled a bit when you made eye contact. You stared each other down for a few moments. He then ran over to the door and pulled you inside. Despite your protests he sat you on a bench next to the court.

          All throughout the practice, Tender had been sneaking looks at you. He enjoyed the idea that you were there to watch. Even if you weren't watching only him.

          You watched until practice was over. By then Tendou had dragged you over to the team. You squirmed but couldn't escape his grasp. "T-tendou! Let me go!", you yelped as he lifted you over his shoulder.

        Once at his destination, he sat you down. "This is the team!", he said while doing his signature little dance while he pointed his fingers in the air. He introduced you to everyone.

       "W-why did you drag me inside Tendou?", you questioned. He merely shrugged off your question and got ready to go home. Once ready, he had you follow him to the door.

        The whole team watched on in amusement. As you were walking home with him, he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist in a hug from behind. You blushed and struggled against his grip. He soon let go.

        You soon got to your doorstep. You had an idea to turn the tables on him. Before opening your door, you turned around and tackled him in a hug while making eye contact with him. He immediately followed your lead and hugged back and smiled.

       When you saw him smile, you blushed and hid your face in his chest. He laughed and leaned down in your ear and said:"Looks like I've won yet another staring contest, (y/n). You need to step up your game."

       You laughed a bit and hugged him tighter, then let go. "Tendou:7, (Y/n):5",  you recited.

I personally didn't like this one. I only published it because I thought " Just because I don't like it, doesnt mean someone else won't "

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