school night routine

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Snows pov
I change into Nike spandex and a Coke hoodie and socks and plug my phone in and text hessany goodnight and I love you .
I walk into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my hair out since it's still straight . Brush my teeth and I get into bed and turn the TV on and start watching Riverdale Jah said I could use his Netflix account. Until I hear a bang downstairs Jah runs to me and he and I run to his mom's room she says it's prolly your brother getting a drink. We walk downstairs
And see his brother in a corner crying shaking . Jashah picked up Alex (his brother) and says his temp is high as hell I feel and it bruned my hand he puked on  me and Jah his mom called 911 while Jah is crying.
I grab my phone and shoes . I text hessany . She don't reply . Jahs Mon has jah her keys and goes into the ambluence.
We look at each other and race to the car.
Hessanys pov .
I was with  the woods family paying games while watching movies . At like 10 pm we ho upstairs my phone was on my bed. And I log into it and see snow is at the hospital with the onfory family. I text her back and I then go to the bathroom and wash my fave, Brush  my teeth.  And throw my hair into a bun . I knock on symeres door. I ask for a hoodie mine are all at my house he gives me the one he has on. We walk to the kitchen. I grab a water and sit down at the island that's in the kitchen. Symere ask me what i like to do. I said "Well i love doing hair, taking photos, and modeling. I also like skateboarding. It's what me and my twin would do when my dad wouldn't beat us." Symere says "your twin is cute like how do i get her?" "For one you're nasty that's my twin and i don't know you gotta talk to her not me but for now imma sleep goodnight." i said. Without a word i went upstairs to go to bed. Tomorrow will be school and i get to see my sister.

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