Getting to know him

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Jah pov

The bell finally rang about an hour ago but me, Hessany, and Symere stayed to get all of Snow's work. I told them that I could do it myself, but they didn't listen to me not one bit. Symere still didn't tell us what happen with him and Snow. Whatever happen it hurt Snow. She was all fine until that Alex boy said ''Hey beautiful'' and until Symere talked to her he was fine. I have no clue what's going on with him or her. That's my foster sister and imma treat her like my actual sister. We finally got all of her work that she was supposed to do. I said bye to Symere and Hessany. Symere said he liked snow. Why ain't he checking on her or whatever. It's fine tho. I'm on my home when I get a text from my mom. She said that they are transferring him to a different hospital. She also told me to stay with Snow and Go to school still and no parties. I said ok mom keep me updated love you. She left me on read. Smh ya love you too son i said to myself. I arrive at the house and see that Snow left me a note. It said went skateboarding be back soon ly bro.I thought to myself wow she just ups and leaves to skateboard.

Snow pov

I left Jah a note and left to go to the skate park. I there for a hour or so. I noticed this boy looking at me. It kinda made me scared. He finally comes over to me. He says ''hey'' I said ''hi'' He goes ''So what are you doing'' ''What does it look like'' I replied bluntly. He laughs and says ''Ight sorry what's your name'' I said ''Alexis'' He says ''That's a pretty name'' I say ''What's your name tho'' He goes ''Milo'' I go ''Nice name so what made you wanna talk to me?'' Milo said, '' Cause you cute. Do you got a man or something.'' ''Nah it shouldn't matter if I do or not.'' I said. ''Dang i'm sorry. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?'' Milo asks. I roll my eyes at him and walk away. He came up to me and said ''Can i get your number?'' ''If i say yes will you leave me lone?'' I asked. He replied with ''yes''. I gave him my number then started to skateboard to the Onfroy house. The whole way there i was wrapped in my thoughts. Why can't my mom still be here. It's stupid that she had to go. I never really understood why but I hope i'll understand soon. I finally arrive back to the house. I see that Jah and Symere and my twin is there. I go in and Hessany hugs me. I hug her back then pull away I look at Symere and notice he aint paying any attention to me. So i slowly walk upstairs. I get on my bed and go to pull my phone out. I notice it's not there. I start to head downstairs and i hear talking. I don't pay attention tho. I get to the bottom of the stairs and they are looking at me. ''What ya'll looking at?'' ''Why are you talking to Milo?'' Symere yelled. I said '' I have no clue who you think you're yelling at but you better stop and who said you can touch MY phone?'' I yelled back. ''You didn't answer my question.'' Symere said. ''I don't need to I don't even know him he talked to me at the skate park and he wouldn't leave me alone till I gave him my number. And why does it even matter to you last I checked you didn't like what happened between me and Alex. Then you wanna give me dirty stares like i'm a murder. So do not touch my phone again.'' With that being said i walked out the house without listen to Jah protesting.

3rd person

Hessany asked ''Who is Milo?'' Symere goes ''A gang leader and he's known for working with your father.'' ''Why ain't y'all stopping her then?!'' Hessany yelled. ''If she don't wanna listen im not gonna help her.'' Symere said. Jah looked at symere and said ''What is snow talking about?'' ''Nothing important.'' Symere replied. ''So your the reason she cries at night or won't go to school she won't even talk to me?!'' Jah said. ''Keep a eye on her Jah she might start cutting again and we all don't need that. She tried to die once she won't hesitate to try again.'' Hessany said while walking out. Symere couldn't believe what he had heard. Jah looked at him and repeated "What happened between y'all?!" Symere shook his head and walked out. Jah thought to his self. ''What is snow really did like Symere. He always gots to mess something up.''

Snow's pov

I'm walking around just to kill time. I don't wanna go back when Symere is there. I can't believe he would do that to me. Why would he do that to me. HE asked me what happened and I told him. It's not my fault. 3 hours have pasted and i find myself in the park. I get a text from Jah saying ''When are you coming back home?'' I reply with ''Did Symere and Hessany leave yet?'' He said ''Ya like 5 minutes after you did.'' ''I could of came home this whole time?'' I asked. He replied with ''Yes do you want me to come pick you up?'' ''Ya please.'' ''Ok where are you at Snow?'' ''The skate park.'' ''Ok be there in 5.'' 5 minutes later when Jah came to pick me up my phone rang. I had no clue who it was and I didn't care either. I let it ring until it stopped ringing. My phone started ringing again this time I answered. I said ''Hello?'' A deep sexy voice said ''Is this Snow'' I say ''Yes who is this'' He goes ''Milo'' I sigh forgetting i gave him my number. ''Would you like to hang out sometime?'' Milo asks. I thin k about it at first and go ''Ya sure why not.'' He says ''Ok i'll pick you up at 8 tonight.'' He hung up without saying anything else. Me and Jah made it back to the house. When we got there I seen Hessany and Symere. I looked at Jah and said ''I thought you said they weren't here?!'' He said ''It's cause they wasn't here when i left.'' Jah turned off the car and got out. I didn't get out yet. Symere came to the car and i locked the doors so he couldn't get in. He says ''Snow come on open the door.'' I got on my phone and ignored him. ''Please Snow? Let me in..'' I heard regret and sadness in his voice. So i unlocked the doors and he opened it. He bent down to my level since I was still in the car. He goes ''Can we talk?'' I say ''You can talk and I will listen.'' He rolled his eyes but started talking. ''Look Snow i'm sorry ok i didn't mean to hurt you. I really like you and i feel like i messed it up. And i'm like 100% sure you don't like me back but I wanted to stop you from leaving but i don't know why I didn't. But Snow i can't look at your sister without seeing you. And I went off today cause i'm trying to look after you he's a bad dude. I don't wanna see you hurt Snow. I know i shouldn't answer your phone or even be on it i'm sorry.'' By now he looked like he was about to cry. I was gonna say something but then we hear a car door and all heads turn towards where it came from. That deep sexy voice filled the outside air when he said ''Hey Snow you ready?'' I didn't wanna do Symere like that but I made plans with Milo. I hear Jah say ''Snow are you even for real?'' I din't say anything. Milo said ''She'll be home in like 2 or 3 hours.'' Hessany said ''Or how about she don't go. Come on Snow.'' I kept walking. I wasn't paying attention to them. I got one last look at Symere and he looked mad. He still had tears in his eyes and Jah he look mad and disappointed. My twin didn't even look at me.

Milo pov

The look on their faces please me. Soon i'll have both of the twins. And they will be with their dad again. He sure can't wait. Like yes i'm a gang leader but are you kidding me this worthless sick dude is paying me 50 grand to get his girls back to them. And of course imma do it. Me and Snow arrive to the skate park. She looks confused then asked ''What are we doing here?'' I said ''We are having a picnic at the place we met then we gonna skate for a little bit.'' She smiled and got out. I looked at her and smiled then i dropped my smile cause I only need to fake it around her. I get out and take her hand. I take her to the spot where I got it set up. She has a huge smile on her face. That makes me smile. We sit down and get started with the food. I go ''I wanna get to know you a little more.'' She says ''Ok well uh i'm a twin, i love the color black and grey, I love skateboarding, I'm usually not the girly type, My momma died when I was 3 and my daddy beat me and my sister ever since we was 4 or 5. I was shocked when she said the last part. Their dad didn't tell me he beat them he just said they ran away and he got scared. I looked at Snow and said ''hey bae excuse me for a sec i gotta make a phone call.'' Snow said ''ok'' I got up and called their dad. I said ''Wtf dude you beat them?!'' He says ''What are you talking about Milo'' I repeated ''You beat them! You said they ran away.'' ''Well i didn't really lie they did run away.'' he said. I replied ''And you got scared they was gonna snitch on you?'' ''Yes but remember 50 grand for bringing me my kids.'' I said ''Ight'' I hung up the phone. Ii cant believe i'm still gonna do this. I walk back to Snow I say ''You wanna skate now?'' She looked at me and said ''Ya'' Her eyes had no brightness in them. They didn't shine. They were just dull. We spent an hour skating and talking. We was on our way to her house when she says ''Tell me about you'' I go ''Well I like skateboarding, I like the color red, I'm a stay at home person, My mom is sick and my dad left when my mom was pregnant, and i'm an only child.'' She smiled at me. I smiled back at her. We finally arrived at her house. I was so ready to get away from her. She said bye and smiled at me. I made sure she got into the house before I left.

Snow's pov

I got home and see Symere all drunk sitting on the couch. Hessany was high and Jah was high. It looked like Symere has been crying for a while. I feel bad. I really do but i made plans and i wasn't gonna just ditch Milo. He seems like a pretty good dude. Even tho Hessany, Symere, and Jah all tell me he is a bad guy. They just mad to be honest. Jah looked at me but not for long. I messed up I know I did. I can't fix it now. I head up to my room and i get there only to see a girl coming out of it. She walked past me and went downstairs to Symere. I went down mad asf i said ''Who tf is this rat and why was she in my room?!'' They didn't say anything. I went upstairs and noticed my diamond earrings missing. I went back down and stood in front of Symere and that one girl who looks oddly familiar. I realized who it was. That one girl I got beef with. I said ''give me back my diamond earrings.'' She only looked at me. I asked her one more time still no answer. So I yanked her hair and started punching her. She yelled stop but I didn't. I don't stop till I see blood. Not to long after I seen blood I stopped. I checked her pockets and my earrings were there i grabbed them then kicked her. I said next time you take my stuff knowing I got beef with you you're gonna be in the hospital. And then i looked at Hessany and said ''I can't believe you hanging with her when you know I got beef with her.'' I went upstairs and locked my door. I heard a knock. I opened it and seen it was Jah. I said ''What?'' ''Whats wrong Snow?'' he asked. I replied with ''Nothing'' He said ''ight whatever Snow talk to me if you want to or whenever you need to talk'' He left and i went to bed thinking about Symere.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Authors Note: Sorry guys we haven't updated but here is one I hope you like it. In my opion its horrible but please vote thanks :) - Mia

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