He's back?!

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Snow pov
We all walked to our 1st period which was homeroom. Homeroom was pretty fun we basically got to do anything we want. The announcements came on and the principal said there is football try outs today after school. Symere and jah did this weird bro hug thing.  Me and Hessany was laughing at them because they looked weird.''I guess they are football players'' hessany  said. ''I guess but any way how is it with symere?'' I ask. She says ''It's ok I guess. He does got anger issues.'' ''Who got anger issues?'' Symere asks. ''No one'' I said. Just then we heard the door open. Everyone looked over. I personally can't believe my eyes. Hessany looks at me with her mouth wide open. ''Why are you late'' asked our homeroom teacher. The boy replied ''I just moved back here and I was in the office getting all my classes.'' ''Ok so who might you be?'' The teacher asked. He replies with ''Alex Monte'' ''Ok find you a seat.'' I prayed and prayed he wouldn't walk over here. But you want to know what he did? He walked over here. ''Hey beautiful'' he says. I go pale. And by know I'm crying and I'm not paying attention to anyone. I run out the class room ready for the day to be over but oh boy we are just getting started. Why is he back? What does he want from me? Why know when I'm over him? I think I am over him... But I don't know. Am I over him? I just wanted  my mind to be quite but it wouldn't. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked and seen it was Symere. He says ''Whats wrong snow'' I start to explain to him what happened. And I bet he thinks I'm crazy but he actually don't'' I say ''Alex is my ex that moved away about 3 years ago. We were dating for about 2 almost 3 years. He said he loved me and I believed him. And I loved him. He was caring and everything. He treated me right. He told me he sees his self marrying me. But I messed that up. I always mess things up it's all stupid to be honest. I understand if you hate me or if you don't wanna talk to me anymore.'' He didn't say anything he just looked at me. I walk away from him and I go out the doors. I am on my way back to the onfroy family. They are all still at the hospital. So I should be good. I text Hessany and tell her what I'm doing. I ask her to tell Jah for me. I couldn't face any of them right now. I hate you universe. I got back to the onfroy house and go to my room. I do something I haven't done in a while. I also promised Hessany I wouldn't do it anymore but I give in. You may be thinking ''wow over an ex'' or ''attention seeker'' but honestly it's not like that. We can/t forget I was abused by my dad. The person who was supposed to protect me.  The one who me and my sister were supposed to be his little princess. Plus my mom being dead. None of this would be happening if it wasn't for mom dying. I miss her like crazy and it sucks that I can't go to her about Alex or Symere. But anyway I go up to my room on the second floor and go straight to my bathroom. You see I don't wanna die just yet. I gotta stay. Plus I don't want Jah mom not wanting to foster anymore kids because of me. I took out a razor blade and rolled my sleeves up. I don't go to deep but I go deep enough to break some skin. I keep doing that on my arm. I'm crying uncontrollably. I wish this didn't happen to me. I don't see why I told Symere now he hates me and he barley knows me. I honestly hate myself.  I clean up myself and decide to go skateboard. You see my dad don't live anywhere near here. He lives at least 20 or 30 miles from here. So I put on my black vans and get my hoodie. Put my hair up in a messy bun and I head off. I left a note saying what I was doing on Jahs bed if I didn't get back before he did. But I had to kill time somehow.  I usually don't skip school buts its fine. I gotta clear my mind.

Jah's pov

Hessany told me where snow went. I wanted to call to check up on her but I couldn't cause the bell rang. I wanna know what happened between her and Symere. He came back in the class quite and not talking. I asked him what was up but he didn't pay attention to me. He didn't show any emotion and that wasn't good. The last time I seen him not show emotion was when we was in 9th grade. His girl of 5 years broke up with him cause she found someone else to date. He hasn't liked a girl since. But when Snow and Hessany came along everything changed. They haven't evem been here for 3 days and he fell for snow. I think snow likes him too but I don't know anymore. I know he better show his "A" game later after school so he can be on the schools football team. We both been playing since we were 5. Football is like our favorite thing to do.  I got a feeling things aren't good between that new Alex kid and Snow.


School is finally over. It has been the longest day of my life. Me and Symere start to head to the football field when we hear hessany saying wait. We wait up for her and when she finally catches up to us she says ''You are my ride home and I have no clue where I'm going anyway so I gotta wait for you.'' Me and Symere start laughing and she asks what. Symere says nothing come on. Hessany sits on the bleachers and me and Symere go to where all the other people are. 

Symere's pov

I still can't believe what Snow said. Honestly I have no clue what I'm doing. Why did I fall for her when I just meet her like a day ago? She is just gonna hurt me so I'm not gonna try. 

Me and Jah are at football try outs and I see that one new kid Alex. He was talking to some girls who were trying out for cheerleading. My mind wondered back to Snow. Why did I let her walk away like away like that. I hope she is fine. I focus back on try outs. I need to make this team and if I don't I have no clue what I'm going to do. After 2 hours of  tryouts coach says go home ill see y/all tomorrow. some did well and other did well um horrible so just hope y'all make it. Me and Jah head over to Hessany. Jah asks ''has snow texted you?'' She says ''Nah she is god tho she can take care of herself bro.'' Jah rolls his eyes and he heads to his car and me and Hessany head to mine. 

Jah pov

I'm on my way home and it starts pouring rain. It also so happens I see snow walking with her skateboard in her hand. I pull up to her and tell her to get in. Thank good she actually got in because if she wouldn't of got in I would be riding by her walking at her pace. We arrive home and I notice my mom still aint home. That's ok tho. Snow hasn't talked to me since this morning. I wonder whats wrong. Whatever it is I hope she is ok. She goes staright to her room and doesn't come out. I sigh and go upstairs to shower and get clean clothes on.


Snow didn't come to school today. She is probably sick or something . The announcements came on and the principal said ''The people that's going to be an the football team is posted outside of my office. If you tried out yesterday you may come now and see whos on. Me, Symere and Alex get up and go look. I see that I'm the caption and the quarterback and Symere is the wide receiver and alex is the back up quarterback. Alex looks mad but I could careless. He walks over to me and he try's to hit me but he missed. I don't swing back I just walk away so I don't get kicked off the football team. I cant wait to tell snow the news. 

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