Let them fall...

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After leaving the other to rest the blond closed the door and shut off the hall way lights. slowly dragging his feet as he made his way to the kitchen and sat down.

Biting his lip he held back tears as the storm inside him raged on. Everything was happening to fast for him and his heart could barely take it. he had so many questions, so many reasons to be angry at the Uchiha but for some reason all he could feel was an overwhelming sadness that consumed him.

Gasping softly he didn't realize he was sobbing as the tears fell down his cheeks like thick waterfalls. rubbing the evidence from his eyes he tried to think straight as he wondered.

Why was it so important that sasuke move into a house with him? he did realize that naruto would leave when he was better right? or was there some other meaning,something the Uchiha was hiding from him.

Shaking his head he decided to leave it be until the other was rested and his wounds where a little better. then he would ask.

Sniffling he sat back in his chair and sighed, the stars twinkling outside his window seemed so inviting but he knew he couldn't leave the Uchiha on his own.

Scratching his head he decided to sleep. before he did anything stupid...

Getting up he didn't bother to push in his chair as he made his way to his bedroom. his head and heart heavy as he sulked. entering his room he looked at his things before making his final decisions and taking off his clothes.

"Maybe a bath will help..."

Entering the cold room he turned on the tap and let it run to fill up the tub before setting him self in the hot and soothing water. he felt like drowning in the relaxing water, almost like it would take away the pain he felt. but nothing ever worked, what ever he tried kurama would stop him by taking over.

Letting the water cover his mouth he blew bubbles and closed his eyes, it didn't even occur to him that the other was up and moving. all he focused on was trying to heal a wound that had been re opened. as water sloshed gently against his tanned skin he couldn't help to almost fall asleep, the warmth that surrounded him too comforting to leave....

But still tears fell.

"I can't do this..."

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