Dinner and a confession...

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Cerulean eyes where cast downwards as the name rolled slowly off of the blond's tongue. was he really ready to ask the other? how would he react? would he lash out, would he leave the resaurant? or would he stay and answer his questions?

he had to take the chance.

"Sasuke...why did you come back?"

Taking a breath naruto looked up slowly to see the uchiha blankly staring at his menu before placing it down and sighing. he wanted to save the anwers and confessions for later. when they where home. when he had the blond in his arms finally. But aparently fate had a different plan.

"do you really want to know?"

Glancing towards him he stared at the blond across the table who looked ready to run at any moment. he could tell the jinchuuriki was anxious and scarred. but hopefully his next words if spoken carefully could ease the other's mind. when he recieved a sharp nod of the blond's head, he continued to talk.

"I came back for you....be cause of you.... to be with you."

'What did he say?!' Naruto's head spun and he quickly became short of breath. why was sasuke saying this? him? he came back for him? why? to fight?

"Your lying..."

naruto sighed as he glared at the man before him. tall,pale skin,dark eyes like an endless abyss ready and waiting to swallow you whole. sasuke was eye candy to any woman who looked his way. even to some men. specificly a lonely blond who craved the attention and company of his old friend.

"I'm not. But i'd like to continue this later. I'll answer everything... i promise. you deserve the truth at least."

'Hmph' naruto huffed,but softened as he nodded his head. He would just have to wait. maybe sasuke just wanted to go home and talk about it. but that wasn't what was on the uchiha's mind. Ordering his meal sasuke waited for naruto before noticing the blond insecuritie. 

"Order what you like naruto. i don't mind the price. Don't worry."

It took a little while but he finally coaxed the other to ordering something he liked and a drink. Sure it started a little rough,but the day was finally going as planned. soon he'd have the blond in his arms,and against his skin. thoughts like these left pleasured shivered running up and down his spine. 

it was time to try his luck at winning the uzumaki's heart...

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