Shopping is boring...

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It wasn't long after they left to buy food that the uzumaki was dragging his feet.

"Ugh... teme! are we done yet?"

He was sick of waiting for the other, taking his sweet time picking tomatoes and other veggies that the blond knew he would never eat. glaring at the Uchiha he grumbled on as he was ignored.

It was hard though. naruto didn't really eat 'healthy' so It was hard for the rogue to pick foods for his house mate and soon to be promoted 'house wife' if he was lucky and played his cards right.

He was mentally cursing himself, his body was weak and his eyes of poor vision. with this he could have easily made many 'moves' on the other but instead he just slept away precious time to woo his blond.

Grabbing a few apples he paid for them and put them in a bag. turning to the vessel he sighed a smile and jerked his head to give guidance.

"Common dobe, were done so stop complaining. let's get this to the house then we'll buy some furniture."

Walking on he lead the other who let out a yell of "finally-ttebayo!!" he had to admit he himself was tired but he could easily blame his body.

It wasn't long till they reached the house since the new place was so close to the market and as soon as they got inside he closed the door and pulled a chair they had dragged from naruto's house and sat down at the kitchen counter.

"Alright, you put these things away and ill go through the furniture catalogs"

Sasuke said simply as he reached out to the booklets before a hand slapped down on his and stopped him.

"No way! sasuke unless you've forgotten, you're blind! I'm not letting you choose our furniture when you can't even see it!"

Stealing the books from the rogue, naruto went through them quickly and picked out various things that they needed and circled them with a red marker. setting the books down he turned back and started putting food away as the Uchiha took the catalogs to view what the blond had chosen. at least to say, sasuke was surprised

Not a single piece of furniture was too tacky or obnoxious. all the furniture where dark woods and gentle colours, even the paint he chose was nice with simple beige and the only bright colour was a baby blue that he circled and wrote 'laundry room' underneath. The kitchen he wanted brown and the bedroom too, of course sasuke agreed since the colour wouldn't give him a headache but it raised a question.

Why was he choosing such gentle dark colours?

Was naruto in a bad mood?

Biting his lip, sasuke didn't want to press for an answer and find out. so for now he remained silent as he watched the other move about. he could finally see better out of his right eye but things where still blurred and unfocused.

Clearing his throat he caught the vessel's attention and looked deep into cerulean eyes before sighing as he put his pride aside for a moment.

"Do we have any water?"

He looked at the other who stared blankly back at him before hurriedly going into a bag and pulling out a bottle of water.

"Yeah here."

Naruto replied as he handed it over, finishing his work he leaned against the counted and gave a content sigh.

"Finally... you know, I hate shopping. it's so boring and it's so expensive!"

"Yeah... it can be"

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