It's perfect...

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"Uh... Ok."

Naruto shrugged as he took a look at the picture of the large house. it looked nice it had two floors, a large living area, massive kitchen and a large back yard. it looked perfect for a small family. which confused the uzumaki.

Why would sasuke want a large family home? naruto wasn't going to be staying with him forever so why did he need so much space? was he planning to get married? was he in a relationship with someone?

As all the questions swarmed his head he didn't realize that the Uchiha had been trying to get his attention until he yelled.


"Huh? what?"

Naruto snapped out of his trance and looked at the other confused and a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Sasuke sighed but tapped the picture of the house. A small smirk on his lips.

" I asked if you liked it. well check it out today but do you think it's good? it has a big garden that you said you wanted and lots of space."

Naruto stared at the picture for a moment before sitting back down and running a tanned hand through blond locks.

"It's nice... but why do you need so much room? also, I'm not going to be living with you forever sasuke... just until your healed."

Sighing he put the add down and leaned back, scratching his head.

"But ya, it's nice. if I was married I'd live there no doubt about it."


That's all the rogue needed to hear. taking the add he folded it and put it in his pocket. sure the dobe might be a little dense sometimes but it worked to the uchiha's advantage for the moment and he planed to keep it that way.

" Go get dressed dumb ass an well go check it out."

Getting a pissed off grunt in reply followed by 'bastard' the rogue could only chuckle.

This was going to be one hell of a day.


It didn't take long for the blond to get dressed and soon he was ready to go, black shorts and a bright orange t-shirt perfect for a sunny day.

Exiting his room he grabbed his keys and helped sasuke out the door before locking it behind them.

"Alright, let's do this. but after we're stopping at ichiraku ok?"

Naruto grunted, he wasn't really the house hunting type but tsunade had made it clear to him that he had to make the Uchiha happy however he could. until he was healed of course.

Walking down the hallway he lead the other out of the building and started looking for street signs.


The vessel muttered over and over until he found it. soon being handed the add he walked down a nicely cobbled road and found the house. sasuke had been right when he said it was in the perfect spot. it was nice and close to the market, the hokages Mansion and the village gates. there was a park down the street and the school nearby as well. it was the perfect family home. He just wished he could live there himself.

"Well this is it... it's nice"

Naruto spoke softly as he over looked the beautiful home. the front and back doors wide open for possible buyers to come and look inside, being a safe area there where barely a need to lock doors and it made the uzumaki jealous.

"Lets get this over with"

He sighed reluctant to go inside. hoping the inside was just as beautiful and oh it was.

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