In which footballers get either exposed, appreciated or baited out 👀
send in your juicy 🍑 questions to your favourite or most hated footballers
- lighthearted banter don't take us seriously 🤪
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What is your skin care routine?
James: Hehe what can I say honestly it's just waterrrrr gurl. *flicks hair*
The key is to stay hydrated bitches ✌🏻 💦 *not really I got botox to smooth everything out* *but only a little hehe* 💉
Fine... fine ugh I don't want to give out all my secrets though.... I guess I should help some sisters out.
Ok ok grab a notebook and a pen got a long list. Soooo I have a strict 10-step Korean skin care routine HoNEY. That consists of using snail 🐌 slime that goo is amazing. No poressss ❌
Those damn HD cameras and pitch lights really capture every microscopic small detail 🙄 Gotta make sure I'm glowing babes. *shows off pearly whites*
Oh yeah, I don't let any one and I mean anyone touch my face. Do you know how much Bacteria is on hands? 🦠 Ew it's totally gross! Make sure you carry sanitizer at all times boo! *advertises strawberry sanitizer* *hope everyone's notices my fresh manicure* 💅🏽
Make sure y'all be taking off your crusty ass makeup don't wanna be sleeping in that gunkkk ass YAA LITTLE NASTYYY... *scrunches face at camera*
One time I got break outs I didn't leave the house for a week honEYYYY!! oMg you don't even understand my pain.
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Also don't stress honey boo boo because that leads to stress spots yaaaa silly goose. Soo make sure you remain calm gUrl trust me he ain't even worth itttttt *snaps fingers* hOney you can do better gUrlFRIEND MM HMMM. *z formation*
Show him what he's missing with that poppin' skin. *rambles on*
"Sir, you were only meant to give one answer and this only airs for a couple seconds-"
*Gasps* oMG HOW DAREE YOU- COUPLE SECONDSSS, hOw is tHat eVen enouGh time? *glares at camera man* I AM WORTH HOURSSS, DAYS, YEARS-
"Sir just remain seated" *gets horrible flashbacks of being benched at Madrid* nO onE appreCiates mE ugh I hAte my liFe. *dramatically runs out crying*
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damn smooth ass skin mm 🍯
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