In which footballers get either exposed, appreciated or baited out 👀
send in your juicy 🍑 questions to your favourite or most hated footballers
- lighthearted banter don't take us seriously 🤪
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Your fans requested for both of you to be interviewed together. Can you explain the story behind this picture?
Is it true you kissed at the back of the bus? You're both known for sitting at the back seats together. This only makes fans & haters speculate more.
Also someone said why do you both look like a transexual couple?
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Karim: wtF you called me in for this i had an appointment with my marketing team
Sergio: Do you know who I am??? I'm the ruthless serHIO ramos.. tf is this shit
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Interviewers head: *yeah yeah most carded player in la liga*
Interviewer: uh yeah.. but your fans wanted you both to answer this
Karim: faM do i look gay?! Im straight as a ruler i likeee pOOSI.. hot babes of all kind. Who tf made this rumour imma shank em up like i shank my donnaH kebabs
Sergio: whoever asked these questions you better sleep with one eye open cause I'm coming for you *makes a scary scowl at the camera*
Karim: SSALL. Fam transexual couple?! I mean yeah sergio looks like he had a sex change— i mean nothing *smiles and acts innocent*
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Sergio: *pinches karim slyly* whoever's been saying this shit come say it to my facee i swear imma f*ck you up so bad you won't get back up.. im lethal i drag little f*kers across the pitch *smirks proudly*
Karim: oW wtFFF— theres rats in here
Interviewer: sir sit down you're stepping on the camera equipment *it was a bad idea Interviewing them.. no wonder they're called madrid mafia*
Sergio: You think I can't track your address??? I can find you in two seconds and your whole family watch when I catch the person who wrote this *takes a pistol out his pocket*
Interviewer: *shook starts trembling*
Karim: SALL *takes out his shank* this goneee be funnn
Interviewer: y-you g-g-guys didn't a-ans - wer the q-question *trembling in fear*
Sergio: why you stammering like a pOOSI AHAHHA & we don't answer questions WE ASK THEM VAMOSSS
Karim: *ties the wires around the interviewer and hangs him upside down*
Sergio: *tapes the interviewers mouth shut* this will teach you not to ask ESTUPIDA questions
Karim: need to call papa PEREZ so we don't get in trouble
Interviewer: *struggles hanging upside down*
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Well they didn't even answer the questions.. which means SIII they did lips at the back of the bus