The Conversation of the past

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(Sabine POV)

As I woke up, I found myself in a dark space.

I was cuffed to a pole, I looked around I saw Saxon's men they were guarding me.

Then I heard metal clanking noise as they became louder, the door opened " leave us " a dark voice said as Saxon's men left. He approached me "So we meet again" he said as he walked into the light.

I gasped when who it was "Maul" I said a little terrified "I'm glad you remembered me, I was afraid I was about to feel forgotten" he said.

"Why would I forget you? I still remember you hold me and the crew hostage just for Ezra and Kanan to get the sith holocron" I said to him.

He chuckled darkly " Why would I have to, my dear " he replied. "Why would Saxon bring me here?" I asked " He is loyal to Empire and he could not be trusted " I explained " You're right he is loyal to the Empire when I heard about the Republic turned into the Empire at the end of the clone wars" he explained.

"But what you said about him not to be trusted, to you but not to me" he replied " You should know he was a member of Death Watch just as your mother once was. " he explained.

I had my eyes widened with surprised " You knew? " I asked " Yes, Gar Saxon told me about your family " he answered " When I claimed the Darksaber, Bo-Katan and some members of Death Watch ran off. While the rest of Death Watch who remained loyal to me, let me ask you something " he said.

"Was your mother one of the Death Watch who ran off with Bo-Katan or did she still remained loyal to me?" He asked. I was hesitating for an answer " You don't know " he replied, I nodded" well I nice conversation with you, but now comes the real pain " he said.

I was frightened from what he said when the torture began.

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