Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Rachel opened her wardrobe and scanned the selection of clothes, which was – due to her financial constraints – disappointingly sparse. She pulled out a black minidress from a pile and mustered it skeptically before she tossed it to the floor. She couldn't wear that, after all, she had worn a similar piece to the wedding and didn't want to look like she only one possessed one set of clothes.

Rachel stuck her head further into the cupboard and shoved away a couple of argyle sweaters that had miraculously survived her several attempts to change her style over the years. After a couple of moments, she reemerged with a blue sleeveless blouse in one hand and skinny black jeans in the other.

Rachel tried on the selected outfit and considered it acceptable. After she had taken care of her hair, she checked her phone for the time. One of the screen notifications told her that a text from Quinn had arrived.

Rachel instantly got nervous as all kinds of scenarios started playing out in her head. Maybe Quinn was cancelling their 'date'? Maybe she regretted her choice and didn't want to see her again? Or maybe she was suffering from a terminal illness and tried pushing Rachel away before their feelings got too deep like in that British soap opera Mrs. Green used to watch? Rachel quickly unlocked her phone and tapped on the notification.

"I might be five minutes late. the metro took off right in front of my nose. :( I'm sorry :( I'll hurry!"

Rachel typed a reply before she tossed it onto her bed and rubbed over her eyes. Her heart couldn't decide between joyful anticipation and utter dread when thinking about her upcoming encounter with the blonde.

"I can do this," Rachel whispered and took a deep breath. She retrieved the phone from the bed, stuffed it into her purse and walked out her room.

"Rachel, you're going out?"

Fuck. Rachel internally rolled her eyes. Yet, she managed to force a wide Rachel-Berry-fake-smile on her face. "Mrs. Green, I thought you'd be at your knitting club meeting today?"

"Oh no, dear. Poor Thelma suffered a stroke, so it got cancelled," Mrs. Green replied in the same tone she used to talk about the weather. "Where are you going?"

"I'm just meeting a friend," Rachel mumbled, hoping to get out of the apartment soon.

"Which friend?" the elder lady kept inquiring. Why did she always wanted to know every little detail?

"Just Kurt," Rachel lied so she'd get out of this conversation, but she should've known better than to mention about him in front of Mrs. Green.

"That gay one?" she replied and pronounced the word 'gay' as if it were a contagious disease that caused infection by the lone pronunciation of the word. Her forehead showed even deeper wrinkles than usual as a sinister expression spread over her features.

"I told you to stay away from people like... that," she spat.

Rachel's smile started to crack and it cost her a lot of effort not to start throwing all the curse words she knew at her. "Don't worry, we had a huge fight, so I won't meet him anymore," Rachel explained. "I just have something I need to return to him."

"Well, then. I'm glad you finally know how to differentiate between right and wrong now. I told you I don't want you to support those sinners and their perverted lifestyles," Mrs. Green said while she absentmindedly rubbed the golden cross dangling from her fleshy neck.

Rachel clenched her fist, yet, she upheld her smile. "Don't worry. I know better than to surround myself with these kinds of people," she assured.

"What a good girl," Mrs. Green approved. "And don't forget the trash when you leave."

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