Everythin Goes Blaq

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OK so rite now
I see a ugly bitxh with a broken arm nose and leg busted up lip fuked up eye. I did that bitxh good
But I see blood yuck
And now I'm getting hand cuffed

__a few days late_

Well its court day and rote now I'm walking into court and imm man nervous like I have a larger family Now that I have to take care of

Anyway IMA go to court

_few hours late__ (A.N ion knw what happens in court so like ya)

well I aint going to jail bc the cops didnt say u have to remain silent shit

Well rite Now me and ma family r getting ice cream cuz I'm free
But I been feeling like someone's watching me

"Hey I forgot my phone in the CAR IMA go get it"
Well I began walking outside and then someone put a cloth in my mouth and I began getting sleepy

"Its great seeing u baby girl."

And than everthin went blaq

A/N: I'm not liking this book anymore I might delete it

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