Chapter 5

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“Don’t fuck with my love,
that heart is so cold,”

Lauren put her hands over her face in frustration. Camila wouldn’t listen to her and she would lose her.

Because she was stupid enough to run away from what could had become the best thing sha had ever had in her life.

She breathed in and out deeply before jogging out the room to the hotel corridor. Camila was waiting for the elevator.

“All over my arm,”

“Camila…” Lauren called as she walked to her on the opposite side of the finely furnished room. 

“Don’t.” Camila shook her head and kept looking to the elevator’s numbers.

It seemed as if they were in slow motion and she was hating that. Lauren got to her side and, to Camila’s satisfaction, the doors slid open and she stepped in quickly.

Lauren watched her pressing the button to go to the hotel lobby. Lauren placed her hand between the doors to prevent them from soon start closing.

“Camila… please… just lis-”

 ’‘I don’t wanna know that babe,“

“Don’t.” Camila hissed as she pushed Lauren’s hand down and pressed repeatedly the button to rush the doors to close. 

“Lauren.” The two heard a male voice calling for Lauren and soon the man reaching her side.

Lauren looked at him, Camila looked at him and, before the door closing completely, Lauren saw her eyes showing a mix of anger and hurt. Logan watching the brief trade of glares in silence. 

“Camila…” Lauren pleaded, but the doors shut and their eye contact was broken.

“What, Logan?” Lauren asked quietly. She was so mad at herself for letting it all reach that point.

“We need to go. We have the acoustic session at the radio, remember?” He asked with a sweet smile, seeing that she was shaken for what had just happened.

“Oh… yeah. Ok.” Lauren nodded and both went down in the hotel to meet with their staff and soon head to one of the interviews and acoustic performances of the day.

Lauren did it all, but she couldn’t stop thinking that there was the last place she wanted to be. She wanted to be running after Camila, she wanted to make her listen to her.

L: Camila, please

She sent as they were in their way to the first radio station where they would give an interview. She tried calling the brown eyed five times and nothing.

L: pick up your phone
L: please
L: Camila

She tried a few more times between interviews and while they were moving from place to place. Camila obviously didn’t answer her.

Four hours after they left the hotel, they got back. In that night they would have their first concert, of five, around Europe.

Don't fuck with my heart (camren)Where stories live. Discover now