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The pitter-pattering of the very much welcomed rain tingled my ears. The clouds coloured the sky a gloomy grey, giving the surroundings outside the cafe an unsaturated noir as I stood leaning against the glass on that rainy Thursday morning. Something about rain kept you grounded and still- calm- the cold kept you in that moment as you'd observe the water droplets create ripples in the puddles on the pavement. When it rained, you'd seek warmth, to wrap yourself in layers upon layers of thick blankets, maybe while cupping your hands around a hot cup of cocoa as you watched dramas in your pyjamas, uncaring of the outside world- or in my case the desire to cuddle up to a certain shorter man, our bodies intertwined, my head buried in his neck and his lips in my hair.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sharp ringing of the bell at the door.

Drenched from the rain, her hair was flattened and heavy, her white blouse was soaked through, practically sticking to her skin. She stepped into the cafe panting as she adjusted herself, straightening her posture before she closed the door behind her.

At the sight of this soaked woman, I immediately shot out of my position and hurried to her, asking if she was okay, she readily brushed me off saying she was alright.

That is, until Perth came back out of the kitchen and came towards us. I saw her eyes light up immediately.

Perth reached out his hands a little, asking the same question as I did, and the woman took his hands without hesitation, "It just started raining out of nowhere, I'm so sorry to dirty your cafe like this, kha," her words were dragged at a high pitch, the apology faker than our indoor plants.

"No, it's okay-," before he could finish his sentence she exclaimed suddenly, "Ah, oh yes!" She dropped his hands and rummaged the inside of her leather brand-name bag. Her slender fingers shyly tucked a wet clump of hair behind her ear as she handed him a creased set of papers.

His eyes scanned the page, then he stopped, subsequently raising his head gradually, a stunned look on his face. The expression on his face transformed rapidly, a polite smile now in place as he showed her to a nearby table.

The sight of the highly unusual exchange irked me.

I watched with confusion as Perth started interviewing this woman. As she talked about her 'enthusiasm' to learn about being a barista, she'd rest her elbows on the table, her hands crossed, framing her bosom in the most unsubtle way possible. Sometimes, she'd casually just tap her fingers on Perth's arm, giggling about something he said that wasn't even funny.

Perth just kept smiling the entire time, entertaining her, not even the slightest sign of uncomfortability. Is that just how he was with women? I didn't get this kind of treatment when I was being interviewed.

"You're hired."

Are you kidding me?

By the time they shook hands -for way longer than they should have- the rain had already let up. Some part of me probably would have kicked her out regardless if it was a downpour.

After that whole fiasco, my mouth remained shut the entire day, unwilling to let the boiling acid currently bubbling up in my system spill out and contaminate my beloved pastries.

"Hey, phi, you need any help in there-"

"No," I said it with a clear cut, not even bothering to turn back while I piped cream into the shells. Petty as it was, I didn't want to see his face for as long as I could. I ignored him whenever he tried to initiate any kind of interaction during the times that I popped out of the kitchen.

During the car ride home, his words would just bounce off the interior, gaining no response from me as he drove. No words were exchanged back at home. I didn't even bother to say goodnight.

She started work the next week, working the afternoon shifts.

"So, guys, this is N'Chompoo," Perth introduced her to me and P'Plan at the start of the shift. Her pearly white smile was as sweet as an angel, a sickening cavity that rotted my teeth.

The kitchen had become my sanctuary, far, far away from having to see Perth holding her fingers just to turn a damn knob or having to get close to her in that cramped space in the bar. Still though, her voice was so shrill it was inevitable to hear her whining Perth's name unnecessarily.

Once I'd stepped out of the kitchen during the non-peak hours, I was greeted to the sight of the two of them being chummy- eating across from each other. It stopped me in my tracks, seeing him smile so wide like that at someone else. It hadn't occurred to me that P'Plan was right there at the bar looking at me, I turned back as quick as I'd stepped out and closed the door.

In the kitchen, I leaned against the countertop, the oven and refrigerating units' whirring keeping me company, blurring out my thoughts.

As the months progressed, I'd taken my closeness with Perth as something special, to feel him close to me was an experience I cherished. To even see the semblance of him being like that with someone else made me doubt if what we'd shared was indeed actually something special.

The door opened, revealing my senior, his hair dyed back to black after weeks of it bleaching and his eyes tired as well as knowing.

An unusual guest, needless to say.

He closed the door behind him, then he stood across from me and leaned against the countertop opposite, crossing his arms as he said to me, "I know this place has good ventilation but aren't you suffocating in here? Taste the sunshine a little."

"The sunshine isn't so pretty, I just saw it." The retort skipped a few filters, but I didn't dwell on it, it was how I felt- seeing Perth acting like that with her really stabbed right through me. He raised his eyebrows at that, huffing a breath at my response.

"Four months, you've been here. That's four months of me having to deal with being the eternal third wheel," then he pointed at me, "You managed to get that broken man out of his shell. He looks like he actually enjoys living now ever since you've worked here." He pointed at the door, "You're just going to let that make you jealous?"

"I'm not jealous."

He scoffed, "Sure."

HAHA here's a new chapter to make up for that announcement lmfao

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