Three's A Crowd

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His lips felt like home. 

The first time we kissed -drunk and accidental- dwarfed against the passionate surge he exerted when he did it the second time. The feeling of him surrounding me was pure ecstasy, every touch was tinged with the taste of lust, and yet that was inferior to the warmth that spread throughout my body that kept me hooked, not wanting to let go, telling me that this was more intimate than just kissing and touching- this was the unleashing of our raw selves unto each other.

But the implications of what would have been if I hadn't stopped ourselves from going too far too soon would have probably affected the both of us. 

Did I feel something for him? Yes, but this did not warrant enough validation for me to tell him I loved him back. My mind has been a mess for the past year and I couldn't trust myself to be sure. 

Loving never really led to anything good for me, I lost someone then, and I wasn't keen on risking it now. However, despite my fears, the fear of losing him altogether somehow weighed heavier. I wanted him beside me, to stay with me while I figured myself out. 

Relationship was out of the question…but kissing him, apparently, wasn't. 

Who am I to complain about that?

"P'Perth, why are your lips so swollen and red?" Chompoo asked as I exited the kitchen, her face inching closer to me as her eyes squinted suspiciously at my lips, her finger pointed out. As she approached, my face ducked backwards gradually, avoiding her touch.

At her sudden question, P'Plan then shifted to look at me, his arms crossed as he too started scanning my face.

"Ah, the uh," I side-stepped past Chompoo's finger, "He asked me to taste something spicy, it was really hot." Technically, I wasn't lying, that kiss was indeed very spicy, and it definitely was hot. 

"We don't have any spicy pastries," P'Plan quipped, leaning against the bar.

"It's new," I retorted immediately, "Experimental."

"Uh huh," he deadpanned, "Sure." He turned away, thankfully letting me off the hook. Though, he obviously didn't believe me. 

A few hours later, at the end of Chompoo's shift, she folded her apron and handed it to me, "This is the last I'm seeing you, kha, I'm going to miss you." Her lips were pouted as I took the folded apron and shoved it into a cupboard, I nodded simply as I merely grunted, affirming her statement. She made no move to exit, as if she was waiting for me to say something. Then, I remembered.

"Ah, you're leaving the city in a few days, right?" Her face brightened up almost immediately, "You want to go out-"

Before I even finished, she replied enthusiastically, "Of course! Can we go to the amusement park?" 

"Uh, sure."

That's how I ended up with an appointment to meet her at 12 pm on Saturday at the amusement park entrance. I started dreading the eventual meeting, having to force myself to act like I'd enjoy being alone with her and her incessant jabbering for hours while we go on rides and walk through crowds under the scorching sun. But then I thought of a loophole. 

"What do you mean you want me to go with the both of you?" P'Saint's face shot up from his phone as he sat with his legs bent, leaning against the backrest of the couch, his back resting against the armrest, face contorted in confusion. His exclamation was then followed by faint sounds of clashing from his phone, causing his eyes to shoot back down, thumbs vigorously tapping his screen in attempts to salvage his game to no avail, "Shit." 

I leaned over from beside him on the couch, my palms shaking his kneecaps as I begged him, as whiny as I could muster, "Please."

"No," he said sternly as he tried to restart his game, shifting his knees away, eyebrows furrowed in focus, "It's going to be awkward." I reached over and swiped his phone from his fingers, keeping it out of reach of his flailing hands, "Hey, don't-" he tried again but failed to all but stretch as far as his limited flexibility would allow him to reach with his pathetic attempt to grab back his phone with his knees still bent. 

I shifted down onto the floor, kneeling down beside him, "It'll be even more awkward if I'm alone with her, and painful for my ears." I pleaded with him with the most puppy dog eyes I could muster. "Be my buffer, na," a cheshire smile spreading across my cheeks as I shook his arm like a petulant child.

He scowled at me, "So I'm your buffer now, really?" 

My mouth shut at that, this clearly wasn't going in the right direction. Then a lightbulb lit up. 

"You know where we're going?" A grin found its way up my face.

He didn't bother to look at me as he deadpanned, "Where?"

"The amusement park."

"Yeah, and?" His tone was indifferent, uninterested.

"You know what they have at the amusement park?"

"What?" I could feel his eyes rolling.


He stopped, and gradually, his face made a slow 90 degree rotation, eyes falling on me. 

So I guess the saying is right- the true way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Maybe Chompoo's whining was rubbing off on me a little too much.

Safe to say, Chompoo wasn't expecting the extra party as can be seen from, you know, her eyes bulging out and all. I scratched my head, "Hope you don't mind." I never explicitly said this was a date. 

She heaved in a huge breath, then she pasted on a smile, menacingly sweet, "The more the merrier," dripping sarcasm as she turned around, her ticket clutched in her hand, swivelling on her heels as she clicked her way through the entrance.

Don't hate me please, I know Bunny  hasn't been updated, I plan to finish this fic and then continue Bunny. This is barely an update less than 1k I know, but I went on a date and...stuff...

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