Perth Loves Egg Tarts

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His heartbeat lulled me to sleep as he embraced me again in his slumber. His legs in between mine, our bodies connected as our hearts were. The weight of the confession was lifted, and I could finally face the fact that I was in love with Perth. My mind was satisfied even if his response was unsure, neither rejecting nor reciprocating. But from the way he held me and caressed my hair in his sleep, I knew at least he cared for me, that he wanted me by his side.

Given the man had lost his lover just a year ago and was left with so many questions unanswered, after some consideration, it was logical that he couldn't jump straight into loving someone again.

I may have been faced with rejection, but he was faced with death. We were both broken people but his trauma far outweighed mine. If he needed time, I was willing to give it to him.

Yellow light came streaming into the room, reflecting off the white sheets that were wrapped around our waists. A faint buzzing shook us awake, coming from the pocket of his shorts. Pained groans erupted from us in unison as we reluctantly awakened, my arms reaching further across to the other side of him as I attempted to bury my head further into his chest to mute the sound of the phone's inherent buzzing. He made no attempt to move me as he maneuvered his hands over my head to reach into his pocket and pull his phone out.

He adjusted himself up further to lean on the headboard, and I followed suit by moving up to rest my head on his left shoulder, his arm around my neck as he held his phone with his two hands, the screen in my full view.

The notification bar showed a glaring red phone icon, indicating a missed call from his mother. Instead of calling back he texted her instead. She replied instantly.

Mae: Chompoo's father has just informed me that she's leaving Bangkok in a few days, so today's the last day you're seeing her in the cafe.

Seeing those words really gave my morning a great start.

"Wait," cogs turned in my head, "How does your mother know about Chompoo?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked up at him, seeing him look unfazed as he read his mother's message.

"Oh," his tone nonchalant, "Yea, Chompoo's dad is their business partner, so my parents wanted me to suck up to his daughter. I wouldn't have hired her if my parents didn't force me to."

I smacked him tight on the head with the nearest pillow, producing a pained exclamation from him.

"You idiot," I said point blank, then laying back down on his shoulder.

He looked down at me as he promptly lifted off the pillow and rubbed his forehead, "What the hell was that for?"

"You could have told me that from the start," my tone sour as I pouted.

"Would you have been any less jealous?" He said, a cheeky grin on his face that I wanted to kiss away. I attempted to push myself up and off of his shoulder, evading the question that was meant to poke at me, but just as swiftly he caged me back down with his arm resting on my neck, locking me at his shoulder. "Okay, okay, I won't tease you."

I relented and relaxed back into my position, resting in the crook of his neck as I watched him type out his reply to his mother.

Perth: Okay, good.

Mae: Take her out please, just for half a day at least. Last impressions matter just as much as the first one.

I didn't like the idea, I hated it, I wanted her gone and I didn't want her going anywhere alone with Perth. Bitterness spread through my veins at the thought of her possibly seducing Perth while they go out and have fun.

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