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(Isaiah 6:8: Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!")

     South Africa, located at the most southern part on the large continent of Africa. The colony of South Africa was first discovered by the Portuguese in 1488. Later it was settled by the Dutch on March 1652. The British later would occupy the land in the years of 1795-1802 and later re-occupied the land in 1809. Suffice to say this beautiful land is quite familiar with hatred, violence, and war.

     Modern day South Africa is now a prosperous country, which has been westernized with many amenities found in America and parts of Europe. The country has grown wealthy on its exports of diamonds, gold, and other precious minerals. The only problem is, the native African people aren't the ones inheriting this wealth, with the majority of the wealth being retained within the white population. Because of this, much of the black population are treated poorly, make less money than a white person, and there is a growing hatred for the white population because of this.

     The conflict between races came to a head between the years of 1948-1994. During these years a form of racial segregation know as apartheid was enforced. Apartheid is translated from the Afrikaans word meaning 'apartness'. During this segregation it made the two races live separately and develop separately. It attempted to stop all social integration and inter-marriage between racial groups. Within the years of apartheid, to seek a friendship with someone of a different race would bring suspicion upon you, or worse.

     Apartheid remained in effect until May, 1994. In that time, Nelson Mandela was elected as the first black president of South Africa. Apartheid had been abolished but, the social damage would still be felt for many years to come. For example, most of the black population of Johannesburg live in the neighboring city of Soweto, where they were forced to live many years ago.

 For example, most of the black population of Johannesburg live in the neighboring city of Soweto, where they were forced to live many years ago

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     The unemployment rate of South Africa is a staggering 27% (2017). With this unemployment rate I believe it directly influenced horrific events when in 2016/17 an estimated 3,500 children had been abandoned by their mothers. This is why orphanages are so important in an environment like this, to help the helpless and allow them a chance at the life that God has given to these little ones.

     Crime has been on the rise as well. All people are targeted without consideration of race. Which has landed Johannesburg with the title of 'world's most dangerous city'. Houses, businesses, and every building in between are secured with walls adorned with barb wire or electric fences. All doors must be secured to stop looters from pilfering items from your home or place of business.

     Overcrowded accommodations also plague South Africa. Many native North Africans have emigrated from the poverty stricken and war torn nations in hopes of finding a job in the wealthier metropolis of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria, or the neighboring smaller cities and towns scattered around the countryside. With this large influx of people there aren't enough jobs to go around which leads some of the population to go homeless and hungry, wherein they choose to commit acts of crime to get the things they need.

     With all of this social and political injustice happening you may be wondering, how can God bring his word to this part of the world? How will this happen, in what way, and who would attempt to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to this hurting part of the world? By way of missionaries of course!

     This bring us to the present day. My church had sponsored a missionary to go and help run a vacation bible school in Johannesburg. They had in previous years, sent a team out to support and encourage this missionary they had planted there, her name is Ruth. When I had first heard about this mission trip, the first thought that came into my head was,

     "Come on Nate, let's be honest, you aren't missionary material, let someone else who's more 'godly' than you go and awnser the call."

     As the months went on, the topic of the mission trip came up more than once. One day while I was praying I asked God if it be His will for me to go, that He would let it be known to me. Then one Sunday morning after being encouraged by my friends and church family, I decided to go to the mission selection meeting after church and had put my name in to be chosen. Later, I was contacted and our pastor let me know that I had been chosen to be apart of the team that would go. That is when God let it be known, that South Africa is where He wanted me to go that summer.

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