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I woke up and saw my brother standing over me.

"Go away and let me sleep!" I said closing my eyes.

Wait just a minute...

"Mikeeee!! Oh my gosh! When did you get here!?" I jumped giving him a hug.

He chuckled and held me tightly in his arms. "Just a few minutes ago."

A few tears fell out of my eyes. "I missed you so much."

"I know baby. I'm sorry." He said stroking the back of my head.

"Wait." I said pulling away from him. "How did you get in? Kate is here."

Kate and Mike have never got along. The last time he came over, she had slapped him for coming in, and told him to never come back.

"Actually she isn't." He stopped talking.

"Mike. What is going on?" I asked.

"Well." He scratched the back of his head. "She- she's in jail."

I smiled. "Really??"

"Yep. After I found out where you guys had moved, I called the police, and told them what they needed to know." He said.

More tears fell out of my eyes. "Thank you!" I jumped to give him another hug.

"You get to move in with me and Janet now. We already have you a new bedroom set up." He smiled against my forehead. "I'll keep you safe and make sure she never hurts you again."

I smiled like crazy. "Thank you so much Mike. I love you."

Just as he was opening his mouth, Kate rushed in the door.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed hugging Mike tighter. "Mike!! Don't let her hurt me!!" I cried hysterically.

"I'm not here for you!" She screamed pulling out a gun.

"Get behind me!!" Mike said sternly.

"Nooooo!!!" I yelled as he pushed me away. "Mike!!!"

Kate pulled the trigger, and Mike fell to the floor.

"Noooooooo!!" I screamed, tears poring down my face.

He's gone. M-my brother..


I woke up screaming. Tears and sweat cover my face.

I keep having that nightmare.. It won't go away.

Kate rushed in the room.

"What the hell you screaming about?! I'm trying to sleep!" She yelled from beside my bed.

More tears feel from my face, and I shook my head.

I can't tell her. That's just not going to happen.

"Well?!" She yelled yet again. "Why-the-fuck-are-you-screaming-when I am trying to sleep?!"

I started shaking, and I couldn't breathe.

Kate slapped me through the face and walked out of the room.

It probably took me half an hour to calm down, and breathe right.

My phone started buzzing, so I looked at the screen.

Incoming call from Logan...

"Hi.." I answered the phone.

"Hey beautiful. How did you sleep last night?" He asked.

More tears fell from my face.

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