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Well I love my cover right now lol. I need to learn this.


Oh, how unexpected things can be.

One minute, you could be down in the dumps; then flying high above the clouds.

Well, right now I'm flying, right in that great, big, blue sky.

Your smile is my Sun; your eyes are my Moon.

Each day is just one piece of the rest of our lives, and to be honest my life would be nothing without you.

Without the Sun, without the Moon, Earth would be empty and cold, just as I would be without you.

I hope you'll stay for a long time, for I could not exist without you.

Wow..these words just come right out of my head. Writing seems to just come naturally to me. I'm so happy we had today off from school. Thank you teacher work day!

"Logan. Can you make me a sandwich pwease." I said sticking out my bottom lip.

"Of course I will sweetheart." He lightly kissed my forehead. "Don't miss me too much." He said with a wink.

He's such a flirt, I chuckled to myself. What did I get myself into?


"Jane." Logan called from the kitchen. "Your sandwich is ready."

Thank goodness, I smiled.

"Ok I'm coming."

I walked into the kitchen and saw Logan sitting at the table. There was my plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a pile of potato chips, and a glass of milk.

"Awe thank you Logan. You want half?" I asked taking my seat.

"You read my mind." Logan laughed.

I handed him half of the sandwich and started eating.

"Thanks beautiful." Logan said, causing me to blush.

I took one last bite of my half of the sandwich.

"You don't have to thank me." I laughed. "You're the one who made the sandwich."

"Yes, but I made it for you. You didn't have to give me any of it."

"And, yet I still did." I said poking his nose. "Be happy about it."

Logan made a funny face after I poked his nose.

Awe. He's too adorable.

Soon enough, I was finished with the rest of my food and was cleaning the dishes.

"Jane." Logan said from the table.


"Why are you always so busy?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I said drying off my plate and setting it on the counter.

"Well, you always have something going on. Either your writing, doing homework, cleaning something..." Logan laughed. "You always have something to do."

"Ya so? What's wrong with that?" I asked.

Logan scratched the back of his head. "There isn't anything wrong with that. I'm just saying, you never just sit down and relax."

"Ya, your definitely right about that." I said taking a seat beside Logan.

"Come with me." He said standing up and taking my hand.

I followed Logan out my front door and down the road.

Oh, I know where we're going.

"Ok, come on." Logan said, sitting down under the big oak tree by the park.

I slowly sat down, Logan pulled me closer, and held me in his arms.

"What now?" I asked, a smile threatening to come.

"Close your eyes." He whispered in my ear.

I did as I was told and closed my eyes.

Logan planted soft kisses down my neck and chest.

I could feel my face getting reder and reder by the second.

"I love you Jane." Logan said planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I couldn't hold back my smile.

"Yes, just keep smiling sweetheart. I love your smile."


Ok done with this chapter. I'm not very sure how many more chapters I'm gonna do. By this point I'm having a real problem writing. I don't know. I guess I've been distracted. So very sorry for taking so long to update. I feel like a bad writer :c

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