Our Time

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Going to dedicate this chapter to BrotherlyLove14. Thank you for all your votes and comments :)


"That movie was too sad!" I say still wiping away tears. "Why did he have to die? T-th-they were perfect for each other!"

"Oh come here." Logan said pulling me into a hug.

I slightly smile as he holds me against his chest.

Hmmm. He smells like peppermint.

"Ok." He held me out at arms length. "Better?"

I nodded my head and smiled lightly.

"Ok good." Logan smiled widely and wiped away the stray tears. "You wanna head to the park?"

"Sure." I sniffed and wiped my face once more.

It would be cool to go back to the park again. I haven't really had a chance to write many poems, since I've spent the day with Logan, not that I mind hanging out with him; he's the best.

~•~•~•~ A few minutes later....

"Ok we're here." Logan said parking in his usual spot.

Quickly, I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the car.

Logan rushed to my side, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the big oak tree.

I sat down and Logan laid on my lap.

"Ok quiet one. Go ahead. Write a poem." He smiled.

"What?" I laughed a little bit.

"Don't act like that's not what you've been wanting to do." Logan chuckled. "I know you like writing."

"Very true." I smiled.

Just as I open my bag and pull out my notebook, a sharp pain comes to my head.

That's when the flashbacks start..

Screaming, yelling, fighting, tears, braking glass, blood, scars...

I can't hold back my scream.

Logan holds me in his arms. His lips are moving, but I can't hear anything he's saying. All I hear is their yelling.

I feel like I'm being stabbed repeatedly.

Tears pore down my face and I grab a pencil. Working through the pain, I force my hand to write.

Screaming and yelling is all I can hear.

You keep trying to comfort me, but all I can feel is fear.

I don't know what's happening.

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm lost in my mind and they are there too; they throw punches and break bottles against the walls.

I'm falling apart at the sight of it all.

These memories won't go away.

Please help me.

I no longer wish to feel this way.

I don't want be scared anymore.

I want to be happy, but my happiness only comes from you.

Love is like a flower, a poet once said, treat it with care and someday it will blossom.

I want to be your flower; I want you to see me bloom.

~•~•~•~ Logan's point of view....

Just as her shaky hand dropped the pencil, she passes out.

After reading what she wrote, I looked down at her.

She is now peacefully sleeping on my lap.

Gosh.. I love this girl. That poem she wrote was amazing. Hmm.

I gently stroked her hair.

Gosh, she's beautiful.

Suddenly, her eyes flutter around and then open to look up at me.

~•~•~•~ Jane's point of view....

My eyes slowly adjust and see Logan looking down at me, his eyes soft with concern.

I open my mouth to speak; but before I could get a word out Logan's lips were pressed against mine.

Heat rushed to my face, but I closed my eyes and responded the only way I knew how. I kissed him back.

His hands wrapped around my waist, and my hands went toward his hair. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

After a few minutes, we were both out of breath, laying side by side in the grass.

I am unable to say much of anything. To be honest, I did not expect that reaction at all.

What just happened?

I closed my eyes and tried to process everything that happened.

Ok, I had a panic attack; I was hearing voices; I wrote a poem for Logan; and I passed out. Did Logan read my poem? Wait, what did I write?

Quickly, I picked up my notebook and read over the poem.

Oh, so that's what I wrote. Ya, I did not expect that.

Logan cleared his throat, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I slightly turned my head to look at Logan.

His lips were swollen; his face was a light pink. Mine was probably bright red, considering what all just happened.

"So.." Logan said struggling for words. "That just happened."

"Uh.. ya. I guess it did." I said looking back up towards the sky.

An awkward silence followed; nothing was said. We just sat there in the warmth of the sun, right under our big oak tree.


Alright, I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to end it on a sweet note. So there you go. What did everyone think? I'll try and update soon. Love you guys.

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