The Note

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"Jane wake up."


I slowly opened my eyes and he was standing over me.

"What time is it? And, how did I get in here?" I asked.

"Oh, it's five o'clock-"

"Uggg. Why did you wake me up so early?!" I grumbled and pulled my blanket over my head.

"School remember? Oh, and I brought you back here while you were asleep last night. You are definitely right about that couch. It sucks."

Awe, he's sweet for bringing me back here.

"Did you sleep with me or did you stay in the living room?" I asked.

"I sat in that chair right there," He said pointing to my desk chair. "And, I watched you sleep."

"You watched me sleep? That's really weird, even for you Logan." I stretched and got up out of my bed.

"Not really. You're just so cute when you're sleeping. Did you know that?"


(Side note) Just saying guys look soo sweet when they're sleeping. Kinda off subject but ya. Why not add something like that lol. ╮(^-^)╭


"Umm. Ok? I guess." I walked over to my closet and pulled out some clothes.

A dark pair of blue jeans, my black tanktop, and a pair of mismatch socks.

"I'm still here you know. Not that I'd mind to see you strip in front of me." Logan smirked.

"I'm about to take a shower." I laughed. "And, you'll have to wait for that. Now go in the kitchen and get yourself some food or something." I could feel the blush appearing on my face.

"Ok beautiful. I love you." He walked up to me and kissed my cheek, before walking out my bedroom door.

I closed my bedroom door and slid down to the floor.

Gosh, this can't be real. How did I end up dating this guy? He's too sweet.

I quickly took my shower, got dressed, combed my hair, put on my eyeliner and mascara, and lastly pulled on my necklaces, both of which I got from Logan.

Ok, how do I look?

I scanned my eyes over my full length mirror.

Ugg. My hair looks terrible. My makeup makes me look like I haven't slept in days. I'm so skinny that you can practically see all my damn bones; I look like I starve myself, which I don't. Why does Logan even like me? What makes me so special? There are so many other girls, prettier girls, that he could have chosen. Why did he chose me? That question will always haunt me.

"Jane are you almost ready?" Logan wined from what sounds like the living room.

"Ya I'll be just a minute." I said sitting down against my bathroom door.

Oh gosh. Now I'm thinking again. I need to stop. I can't.

My hand reached under the sink and grabbed one of my small blades.

Why do I so this to myself?

Tears pored out of my eyes as I stood over my sink.

I shook my head over and over again.

Don't, please don't do this.

A little voice in the back of my head started taking over.

You're worthless. You're nothing but a piece of crap. Logan doesn't care about you. No one cares about you. You are always going to be alone. You don't have your brother to make you feel better, do you Jane? He's dead. Just like your parents. You are nothing. Did you think you could get rid of me Jane? No. I'm still here. We all are.

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