Thank You

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This story is trash, I didn't do it justice, but for some reason people keep reading it. So for that, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ash wouldn't be alive if not for you guys. I'm sorry I didn't end the story better or even attempt to try to find the motivation and inspiration to return to this story and give it the ending it deserves. I just. I love DC Comics, I do, and the shows based around the comics are amazing but I just couldn't find a way to keep Ash alive and active in the DCU. I didn't want to just stop the story with no ending though. You guys at least deserved some form of end to this story.

Thank you 10k reads. You guys are amazing. I wish I was even a fraction as amazing as you. I love you guys, for real. You're amazing. You are worthy. And you are loved. Never doubt that. No matter what people in your life say, no matter what the government says. You are loved and you are worthy and you deserve to have a happy life. There isn't proper words to explain how thankful I am nor how much I love each and every one of you. But just know that I am massively thankful for the attention this terrible, terrible story has gotten and I love each of you that have read the story, even a single line, oh so very much. ❤️❤️❤️

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Ireland Nicole. 

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