Chapter 1) Doctor's Daughter?!

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"You're okay...daddy's got you..." A voice says. I cant tell who though. I'm being held in someone's arms as I can smell smoke and taste ash on my tongue. I mustn't cry nor fall asleep. I'm daddy's brave little girl...i need to hold on...i need to...

I must have fell asleep, dammit! I open my eyes and see...the sky? Oh yeah, I'm homeless. 'What does that mean?' Idiots may ask. Well its when someone is less than a home...doesn't have a home.

I lay awake for a few seconds before getting off the cold, hard ground. I'm only 10 and ½, I shouldn't be homeless. That's when it happened. The house I was staying in; exploded and everything went to hell.

I woke up in a circle of flames. I couldn't stand up at all; it hurt too much. I sat up and tried to stay low to the ground so I didn't breath in the smoke. I don't know how this happened, something had to cause it...but what?

I close my eyes again and cough really hard. The smoke got into my lungs. I finally collapsed and laid on my back. I knew I wasn't going to make it. No! I had to keep going! I had to live. I needed to find my dad and mummy. I started to crawl again.

YAY! I found an exit! I crawled towards it. The wood fell and I screamed, ashes hit my face as the burning wood fell. I had no way out. I saw a weird pepper shaker shape come clear in the smoke. I saw this thing before...whats it called? Oh yeah! A Dalek.

"EXTERMINATE!!!!!! THE DOCTORS DAUGHTER MUST BE EXTERMINATED!" The Dalek screamed. I'm not a doctors daughter! Well, I could but I doubt it. I smile weakly as the smoke enters my lungs and I feel light headed. I finally pass out. Last I remember hearing was,

"EXTERMINATE THE DOCTORS DAU....." Then the world went black.

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