Chapter 5) Why Don't You Tell Her?

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I run and run and run. I finally stop and sit down in the alley. I'll stay homeless for the rest of my life. I hear footsteps next o me.

“Go away!” I tell them.

“I'm here to talk to you Zoella...” The Doctor said. I wanted to shout at him and at the same time I wanted to hug him and call him daddy like every small child should be able to. I decided to just sit there.

“Leave, I don't want to see you. And its Zoe.” I shoo him away.

“Look, when I saved you...something told me that I needed to protect you with my life. That's also when I was lead here by the TARDIS and she made me save you. You are special...I feel it. I have known you were special for a while.” He said. I ignored him though. I heard what he said but I didn't know what to do. He sighs and looks away. I look up at him and smile.

“Okay 3D Glasses.” Is all I manage to say. I yawn and lay down. He shakes his head and picks me up. I get carried into the TARDIS. Rose smiles and follows The Doctor to my room. He sets me down and leaves. Rose sits on the bed.

“I know you aren't asleep...” She says. I sit up and sigh while she smiles warmly.

“I'm sorry about making you talk...i thought it would help you and him...guess I was wrong...” She mumbles the last part under her breath.

“It's fine...I'm just tired. May I sleep?” I ask getting under the covers.

“Can I tell you a story after you are done changing into pajamas?” She asks with her bright and happy smile. I nod; I love stories. I get changed and get comfy.

“Ready?” I nod. She begins while I close my eyes.

“There once was a lonely man that had lost so much. You could always tell when you looked into his eyes. He lost the most important thing to him one day. He lost his child, his princess, hid=s daughter. And he was heartbroken; you could always tell. The way he moped around but was pretending to be jolly!” She giggles at the word jolly and looks away.

“One day a girl came that reminded him of his princess. He want sure if it was her. He didn't believe anyone that told him. He saved her from a Dalek and now she's with the one she feels comfortable with. He can't decide if she's his baby but one things sure...that he feels it in his hearts.” She points to both side of my chest. Her eyes widen and then she pulls away quickly.

“Did he find out if that was his daughter!” I ask practically on the edge of my seat.

“We'll see.” She states with one last smile. She stands up and leaves the room saying,

“Have a good sleep Zoella.”

I know who the story was about. I'm not stupid or something. That story was about The Doctor

and I. I lay down and try to fall asleep when I hear someone walk in. I pretend I'm sleeping. They sit on the bed and sigh. I know who it is; it's The Doctor. He puts both hands on my chest, (pervert) and then pulls away slowly.

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