Chapter 2) 3D Glasses Man

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I then wake up to being in someones arms. I blink slowly and see a man...with 3D glasses on? Strange.

“W-what?” I ask slightly stirring.

“Shhhh....” He says not looking down. That's was rude; Mr. 3D Glasses is rude! He keeps walking. I look around and see we are still in the burning flames. He steps over burning wood and gets outside. I smell the fresh air; it smells clean unlike the burning house.

The man finally looks down at me and smiles. I can't tell if its fake or not cause he has his rubbish 3D glasses on. I fall back asleep after saying,

“Who are you?” Weakly.

“A person with 3D glasses.” He says smirking. Then I fall asleep.

I then wake up still in this guys arms. Like hello! I have legs! I think I'm awake...i think I can walk! He looks down at me when I wake up. He smiles; yes, with the glasses on.

“You never told me who you are...” I tell him; my voice raspy.

“Right. Sorry...Zoella...I'm The Doctor!” He tells me. Wait, what did the tin can say? To EXTERMINATE! (put Dalek voice there) THE DOCTORS DAUGHTER?!

Okay...freaky. I need to know if hes my dad and who my mum is.

“Daddy?” I ask quietly. He shakes his head no and lets a tear fall.

“My daughter died years ago...she can't be alive...”He informs me. My heart sank. I try to get out of his arms. Where was he even taking me if I wasn’t his long lost (dead) daughter?! Its rubbish! That’s what it is.

“Let go of me! I HATE YOU! YOU ARENT MY MUMMY OR DADDY! IVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND THEM FOR YEARS!!! I NEED TO KEEP LOOKING! YOU ARE NO HELP IF YOU TELL ME YOUR SAD STORY AND CARRY ME IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!! SO LET ME GO FIND MY LONG LOST PARENTS AND NEVER SEE OR SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!!” I scream at him; tears streaming down my face. He doesn't struggle. I try to get out of his grasps. He finally lets me go. I stumble to the ground. Not knowing what to do I clumsily get up and try to run away. He's staring at me with those god-damn eyes! Don't look at him....AH! REALLY?! HE TOOK OFF THE GLASSES! HIS EYES! DONT LOOK AT THE EYES!

I didn't look back; I kept running till I collapsed on the ground from being so tired. He ran up to me as I softly cried. He looks at me helplessly and scoops me up.

“I'm The Doctor, Zoella...i don't believe the Daleks when they talk. All I know is that my daughter is gone and your parents are gone. Zoella?! Zoella?” He rambles on as I fall asleep. He shakes me gently as I pretend that I don't feel his shakes. He sighs and I feel him start to walk.

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