The Story Of Best Friends

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"So are you finally gonna tell Ben how you feel?" Evie asked sitting on Mal's bed.

"I don't know. I mean maybe..." Mal shrugged.

"Mal you've been avoiding it for years." Evie stated.

"I know, but how do you tell your best friend you like them?" Mal asked.

"I'm sure he'll understand." Evie said.

"Okay. I will tell him. Tomorrow." Mal stated.

"Okay M." Evie nodded sarcastically.

(The next morning)

"Bye Mom! Ben's here!" Mal yelled to her mom before leaving.

"Ready to go?" Ben questioned leaning against his car.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Mal replied sarcastically.

"Oh come on only a couple more months till summer." Ben said.

"It's too far away." Mal pretended to complain.

"Come on let's get to school." Ben opened the door for Mal, then got in.

When they got to school Ben threw on his letterman jacket and grabbed his brown leather backpack.

"Do you have practice today?" Mal asked as they were walking in.

"Yeah. You want to stay and watch?" Ben replied and asked.

"Sure. Why not? I need a ride home anyway, but Ben there's something I need to tell you." Mal was saying.

"There he is. The big man!" Chad ran over to Ben and pulled him down.

"Hey Chad." Ben greeted.

"You ready for the big game Friday?" Chad questioned.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Ben replied and pushed Chad away. "Sorry about that. What did you want to say Mal?"

"It's uh nothing." Mal told him and started walking again.

"Okay." Ben shrugged and followed Mal.

Mal stopped at her locker and Ben did too and leaned against the lockers.

"You want to do something tonight?" Mal wondered.

"Tonight?" Ben responded.

"Yeah. Tonight. You want to?" Mal repeated.

"Um sure. Why not?" Ben replied.

"Cool." Mal nodded.

Later Mal was walking with Evie.

"So did you tell him yet?" Evie asked.

"No, but I will tonight. We're doing something tonight. That's when I'll tell him." Mal explained.

"Hey there you are." Ben ran up to them.

"Hey Ben." Mal smiled. "What's up?"

"Can we do something another night?" Ben questioned.

"What? Why?" Mal replied asking.

"Because Audrey invited us to a party." Ben told her.

"On a school night? Ben." Mal  replied.

"I know, but Audrey's parents are out of town for the night. So she wanted to have a party tonight. Is that okay?" Ben explained.

"Uh yeah that's fine. We can do another night." Mal said.

"Wait you're gonna come, right?" Ben checked.

"I don't know. Did she actually invite me?" Mal questioned.

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