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(Thursday morning)

"So you get a dress yet?" Ben asked as they were driving.

"Yeah my mom took me last night." Mal answered with a sigh.

"Mal are you okay?" Ben checked.

"Yeah. No I'm good. It's just I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Mal said.

"Oh." Ben said as he pulled into the parking lot.

They got out and Eddie was standing there waiting.

"Look your date is waiting for you." Ben whispered to Mal.

"I see." Mal whispered.

She put on a fake smile as they got closer to him.

"Good morning guys." Eddie greeted them.

"Hey man. I gotta run." Ben greeted him, then ran off.

Mal was about to say something, but then he was too far away.

"So only two more days." Eddie said as they started walking in.

"Yeah." Mal replied.

"And we also don't have drama club today." He reminded her.

"Yep." Mal nodded.

When they walked inside Mal saw Ben talking to Audrey being all flirty.

"Um Eddie I actually have to get something, but I'll see you around." Mal told him before leaving.

"Okay bye!" He called.

Mal went to her locker and someone stood behind her locker.

"Can I help you?" She asked, then shut her locker.

"Saw you talking to Eddie? What's going on there?" Evie replied asking. "I thought he always bullied you?"

"I thought so too, but Ben figured out that this whole time he's just been flirting with me." Mal explained.

"Really? So are you two dating?" Evie wondered.

"No. We're just going to prom together." Mal said.

"What?! And you didn't think to tell me?! I have to go alone now?" Evie was asking.

"Sorry." Mal shrugged.

"Hey Evie did you study?" Doug walked up and asked her.

"Shoot! That's today?!" Evie panicked. 

"Yeah, but you can borrow my notes before the test." Doug offered and gave her his notebook.

"Thanks Doug. You're a lifesaver." Evie told him and kissed his cheek.

"Oh he so likes you." Mal said as they were walking.

"No he's just nice like that." Evie responded.

"And you weren't flirting with him?" Mal questioned smirking.

"I wasn't." Evie stated.

Mal gave her look.

"I wasn't!" Evie stated again yelling.

"You kissed his cheek. And I saw him blushing. You two should go to prom together." Mal said.

"No." Evie shook her head.

"Why not?" Mal wondered.

"He wouldn't want to. And I don't want him to think I would be tricking him." Evie explained.

"Okay first, he would want to. And second, you tell him you really appreciate him and what he does for you." Mal was telling Evie.

"I don't know. I'll think about it." Evie stated.

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