Best Friends

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(Tuesday afternoon)

Mal was in her room drawing and listening to her music.

"Mal! There's someone here to see you!" Her mom called up.

Mal paused her music and ran downstairs to see Ben standing there.

"Hey Mal." Ben slightly smiled.

"I'll leave you two." Her mom said and walked upstairs.

"Ben? What are you doing here?" Mal questioned.

"Harry told me the truth." Ben started.

"The truth? The truth about what?" Mal asked.

"That he likes me and was only trying to get close to you to get closer to me." Ben finished.

"Okay. So why are you here?" Mal questioned.

"I wanted to apologize. I yelled at you. Wouldn't talk to you. It's just hard you know?" Ben started explaining.

"What is?" Mal asked.

"Dating your best friend." Ben answered.

"Wait what are you saying?" Mal wondered.

"I think we're probably better off just friends. Best friends." Ben told her.

"Ben..." Mal stated.

"It's okay Mal. We were just not meant to be." Ben smiled and nodded, then turned to the door.

Mal stood there on the stairs watching him.

"I'll wait for you in the morning." Ben promised. "See you." Then he closed the door.

Mal sat down on the stairs and felt tears forming in her eyes and roll down.

Ben leaned against the door and sighed, then kept walking.

(The next morning)

Ben was waiting in his car, then got a text from Mal.

Mal: hey I'm not going to school today

Ben: r u okay?

Mal: not feeling good

Ben: okay feel better

Ben looked up at Mal's window, then shrugged and started driving. 

(At school)

"There you are Ben!" Carlos ran up to him.

"What's going on?" Ben asked.

"It's Harry and Chad." Carlos pulled Ben with him.

They ran to a hallway where Chad and Harry were fighting.

"Get off me man!" Harry yelled trying to push Chad away.

"Chad what are you doing?! Do you want to get suspended again?!" Ben pulled Chad off Harry.

"Just teaching him to not mess with you." Chad said whipping his face.

"By beating him up?" Ben asked.

Jay helped Harry up. "Ben thank god you're here. Will you please tell your friend we worked it out?" 

"Did we Harry? Did we work it out?" Ben was asking.

"I thought we did." Harry shrugged.

"I worked it out with Mal, but I don't want to see you again." Ben told him.

"But Ben we talked yesterday. Remember?" Harry checked.

"I gotta go." Ben said and walked away.

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