The Game

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(At seven)

"I'm not late!" Mal yelled running out to Ben.

"You got lucky." Ben smirked.

"Let's go." Mal said as they got into the car.

(At the diner)

"So you gonna take anyone to prom?" Mal asked before taking a sip of her soda.

"I don't know. The girl I like is with someone."

"Yeah." Mal nodded, then looked away. Then she looked back. "We could go together."

"Mal." Ben started looking right at her.

"Just as friends! Nothing else. Just so neither of us are alone." Mal explained, then shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

"No yeah. That's a good idea. Okay." Ben got off the booth and knelt down in front of Mal. "Mal will you be my date for prom?"

Mal smiled, then nodded. "Yes Ben I would be honored." Ben stood up smiling as people around them clapped.

"Just a prom proposal guys. No big deal." Ben said before sitting back down.

"Wait! So you guys are going to prom together?!" Evie shouted through the phone.

"Owe! Evie chill. We're just going as friends." Mal told her.

"Yeah, but maybe when you two are dancing he'll see you and like you." Evie said.

"I don't know Evie. I think we're better off just friends." Mal replied. "Look I gotta go shower."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." Evie responded before hanging up.

(The next day)

Mal walked out of her classroom to her locker.

"Mal!" Ben ran up behind her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Jeez! Ben!" She complained after jumping and turned to Ben.

"I got great news!" Ben stated.

"And what's that?" Mal leaned against the locker and asked with her books in both hands.

"Audrey asked me to go to prom with her." Ben told her.

"What? I thought she was with Chad?" Mal questioned.

"Apparently they broke up just last night. And she wants to go with me." Ben explained.

"Oh." Mal nodded.

"Sorry I know we were gonna go together." Ben was saying.

"It's okay. You have fun. Me and Evie can just together." Mal replied.

"Thanks Mal. You're the best." Ben hugged her, then walked away.

"Wait so now you guys aren't going together?" Evie asked as her and Mal sat down in the cafeteria.

"No he's going with Audrey like I said. And I'm happy for him he's had a crush on her since middle school." Mal said.

"But Mal you lost your chance to go with him." Evie complained.

"Shh. He's coming." Mal cut Evie off.

"Hey guys. What are we talking about?" Ben asked taking a seat next to Mal.

"Just about prom. Mal tells me you're going with Audrey." Evie answered.

"Yeah I am." Ben nodded and grinned.

"You know I have to stop at my locker before class and my class is far from my locker. So I'm gonna go." Evie quickly got up and ran off.

"Well that was strange." Ben said, then moved to where Evie was sitting. Across from Mal.

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