02 - loss

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02 - loss

Paul didn't feel like getting out of bed the next morning. Although the sun shone through the window, the young lad felt a sort of emptiness waver within him. He had lost his mother. Just the sheer realization left Paul tearing up; his heart breaking.

As Paul laid in bed, his eyes closed but his body fully alert, a knock came at the door of his bedroom.

"Paul?" Jim called from the other side of the door. "I'm going to be 'eading off to work. Breakfast is on the table! Love you!

The younger lad groaned, letting out a loud sigh. "Okay, thanks Dad!" He removed the blanket from his body. "Love you, too!" He then swung his legs over his bed, ran a hand through his black hair and looks around his bedroom.

The minute the front door slammed shut, Paul began to breathe. It wasn't like he wasn't allowed to be himself, he was, but with the knowledge that his mother was no longer with them broke his heart to smaller pieces each time he thought about her.

After a few minutes of waking up, Paul opened his door of his room, went to the bathroom, and then went downstairs to eat his breakfast. Presented to him on the table was a plate of sausage links, eggs and a biscuit.

Paul picked up his fork and began to eat, letting his thoughts linger onto other things aside from his mother. He thought about the conversation he and John had yesterday, and he couldn't help but wonder if the auburn-haired lad was working today.

Deciding not to feel like an utter creep, Paul washed his dishes, then decided to phone his school mate George Harrison, see if school went okay. If George even went to school. Some days the young lad wouldn't even bother showing up to class and would at times leave Paul to himself. It sucked but hey, what can you do?

As Paul dialed George's phone number, he heard a knock on the door. Perplexed, Paul put the receiver down and went toward the front entrance. He opened the door and found a bouquet of an assortment of flowers held together by a glass vase sitting on his doorstep.

Paul gasped and picked up the bouquet. When he placed them on the table, he found a note written on it. It read:

Paul --
I felt like shit after hearing yer mum passed away. So in order not to feel like shit, I decided to give you these. I know you're not sure what kind of flowers these are, but I hope they brighten your day.
~ John (the guy who feels like shit from across the street)

FLOWER BOY [j.l & p.m] Where stories live. Discover now