04 - booze and boobs

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04 - booze and boobs

Paul waited patiently for John to arrive to his flat. He couldn't wait to have tea with him and actually get to spend time with someone other than George. He set the piping hot tea kettle at the coffee table, tea cups accompanying the kettle. A few minutes later, a knock sounded at the door.

Jumping up from his seat, Paul got up and raced to the door but not without fixing his mop top hairdo in front of the mirror. He took a deep breath, and then opened the door.

"Hey John!" Paul greeted with a bit of higher pitch to his tone. He was clearly nervous, as was John, however the auburn-haired lad kept his composure still. "Come on in! I have the tea ready."

"Yeah. . . About that," John said as he stepped into the living room. "We aren't going to have tea."

Paul stopped pouring tea into the cups. "What? I thought that's what ye meant, John."

John wrapped his arm around Paul, causing the younger lad to melt once again; the scent of mint and nicotine flaring his nose. "We are going to get ye shit faced and laid." The Scouse accent replied, smirking. "It's the perfect remedy for grief. Trust me, I know from personal experience."

"I can't drink, John." Paul replied. "I'm not sixteen." He looked down, embarrassed. "I'm fifteen and still a virgin."

"Oi, Paul," John chuckled. "ye didn't think I didn't know that? I can smell a fuckin' virgin from a mile away! That's why I'm here. I'm going to make you become a man!"

He took a cigarette out of his pocket and placed it in his mouth. "So, ye coming?"

Paul shrugged. It was better than sulking over the loss of his mother. He had hoped he could talk to John about it, but maybe after he 'let loose', he would be able to talk without getting nervous. "Yeah, I'm in."

They then walk down to an unknown flat that Paul never seen. It was abandoned and worn down. Although the young lad didn't question it. He came here to have a good time, and good time he was going to get.


"Hey John!" A blonde girl shouted over the loud skiffel music. Her upper body was nearly exposed, the only thing that was considered decent was the leather jacket she wore on top of her black bra. "Come on in! Grab a beer! Stuart said 'e'll be back soon."

"Thanks, Myra!" John shouted. He then nudged Paul's attention to him. "That's Myra," he said, grabbing a beer. He handed Paul one as well and popped off the lids. "Known her for years. As a matter of fact," he neared closer to Paul's ear as one arm remained wrapped around his shoulder. "just between ye and me, she was my first gobby." He hissed at the memory. "Man can 'er mouth do wonders!"

Paul chuckled at that. He took a sip of beer and smiled as he began to relax. As he took another, he felt a pair of hands massaging his shoulders.

"You're quite dashing, aren't you?" spoke a feminine voice from behind him. "So strong and handsome." She turned her head to get a glimpse of Paul's face, and once her eyes met his baby face, she began to swoon; her breath reaking of alcohol consumption.

"And you have the cutest baby face!" She squeezed his cheek with her fingers. "I can just eat ye up with that adorable look." She now stood in front of him, her being slightly taller due to age and heels. "What's yer name, love?"

"Paul." Paul blushed. He looked over at John, who was now on the far left of the corner snogging a blonde girl; his hands kneading her plump, large ass. He then returned his gaze back at the girl who was showering him with affection. "And your name?" He grinned, probably looking like an idiot.

"Veronica." She smirked, nearing closer to him. "Now," she began after she pushed him back on the couch behind them. "Would you like to see my tits?"

Paul nodded. He watched as Veronica pulled down her sleeveless crop top and strapless bra, revealing perfectly round, plump breasts that were accompanied by a set of perky, pink nipples.

The young lad didn't exactly understand everything that was going on, but he now felt like a man for drinking his first beer and seeing his first set of tits. He couldn't wait for what was to come next.

And it was all thanks to John.

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