06 - when the party's over

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06 - when the party's over

"Tha' was a lot of fun, girls," John said an hour later, a trail of four women traveling behind him. "ye all did wonderful. Especially you, Cyn."

Cynthia giggled and looked at the other girls, who were also giggling. It was a secret language no other man would ever figure out.

John noticed Paul was watching TV and he knocked his head with his hand. "Ye didn't leave my poor mate Paul all by 'imself did you, girls?"

Veronica giggled. "Of course not, Johnny." she replied. She bit her lower lip and thought back to this morning -- when Paul took her body to new heights.

"Good, love." John stood in front of Paul as he watched TV.  "Ready to go, mate?"

When Paul looked up at John, the image of his broad back and firm arse filled his head once again. He then thought about what his face would look like if it was scrunched up in pleasure.

Paul did his best to refrain from growing. So he nodded. "Yeah." The young lad said. "Let's go."

They both got kisses from the series of girls standing in the living room. And then they left.


"So, what did you and Veronica do las' night?" John asked as he nudged Paul playfully the minute they arrived inside Paul's flat.

Paul blushed, his pale face becoming beet red. "She uh..." Paul replied. "she, uh... Took me around town..." He couldn't stop thinking about her tits bouncing as she rode him the night before. 

"Oi, that's great, mate!" John patted him on the back. "Now I know why the bed was squeakin' this mornin'."

Paul chuckled. "What did you do?" He asked, wanting to know. His mind flashed back to his broad, muscular back facing him through the cracked door.

John sat on the living room couch. "I shagged three girls in one setting! Tha's what I did!" John grinned, feeling well-accomplished. "It was like listening to a symphony; 'earin' the girls scream me name."

Paul couldn't help but feel hurt when John had said that. Although, he didn't show it. Which was a good thing considering that he's only known John for two and a half days.

"So, when's yer dad going to get back?" John asked after a moment.

Paul then realized that he had forgotten to tell his dad he was going out. His eyes widened, and then softened at the realization that Jim was knocked out from work, and his younger brother was staying at their grandmother's house just because he wanted to.

"He's already back," Paul replied. "he's asleep right now."

John nodded, then looked at the clock up on the wall. "Shit!" he lowly exclaimed. "I 'ave to get to work!" He hurriedly ran towards the door. "I'll see ye later Paul!"

"Okay!" Paul called back. He watched John go, and the minute his friends' footsteps left the front porch of his flat, Paul sighed. He was grateful that John had left.

Because then he could deal with the ongoing problem at hand: His infatuation with John and the sight of his naked body.

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