Chapter Two- Receiving/Part Two

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It was the first day of 10th grade, Marinette knows that Chloe is more then likely going to be in her class again this year. Chloe has always bullied her ever since kindergarten for no reason at all, Well probably because she thinks she is so much better then any one else, Since she is rich. In reality she is just a suck up brat. Mari was always a shy girl at school with no really close friends, She was always kind to others whenever needed, So maybe there might be someone new to school this year that would appreciate this kind of behavior and be her best friend, Let's face it one can only dream right. Mari was sound asleep still in her nice, Cozer, Warm bed. Maris bed was on the top of her bedroom floor, To get to the bed you had to climb a white ladder, The white ladder was long with eleven steps, And a railing on the side to hold onto. Maris bed has a pink bed sheet cover with white polka dots spread all over it, With a black, Thick trim at the top of the cover. The back of her bed has a croissant sorta shaped body pillow, With zebra patterned over it, Sitting against it a pillow, With a pink cover with a bow on it. Mari is currently laying under the covers facing towards the end of her bed, With her phone upside down, Her alarm has been going off for around fifteen minutes. That's when her mom started calling her. "Marinette! Your alarm has been going off for fifteen minutes! Your going to be late for your first day back at school!"
Mari slowly wakes up, Turning over her phone and turning off her alarm. "Got it, Mom!" Mari, Gets out from under the covers, Fixing them the best she can before heading down. Mari carefully climbs down the ladder, To her trap door, Which leads down to there apartment. Mari, Her mom, Sabine, And her father, Tom live in there apartment, Which is part of a apartment complex above the baker Maris family owns. "Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie". Right now Mari was sitting at the table getting breakfast, Well her mom washed dishes, And her father was making macaroons down in the bakery for her and the whole class. The whole class each year bring in a special treat for everyone at the beginnings each year, And each year Mari always brings macaroons even though Chloe says it's lame. "I bet you anything Chloe will be in my class again. Lucky me!"
"Don't say that sweet heart' I bet everything will be fine" Her mother says well going to her daughter kissing her on the cheek, Then returning to work. Mari goes to pour her cereal, Setting it down causing everything on the table to spill, Mari groins, Sabine giggles in the background well walking over grabbing paper towels to clean stuff up, Mari eats her breakfast quickly, Puts her bowl, Spoon in the sink and heads down stairs. Her father is singing well he is working, Mari walks over to her father seeing that he just finished up the macaroons. The macaroons are green, Possibly lime flavored, The macaroons have a design on top personally done by Mari. The design has the symbol "TS" standing for "Tom and Sabine" with leaf looking sorta bracelet going around it. "Dad these are awesome" Mari sounds exited, Well putting her hands to her cheeks.
"Glad you like them"
"Thank you dad, You're the best, My class will love them!"
Her father rubs Maris head "No we're the best, Thanks to your amazing design" Tom shows his daughter her design in her sketch book. Causing a result of a hug from Mari making him drop the the box, Catching it with his foot, Passing it back to Mari. Mari giggles, Walks over to her father and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you, See you tonight" Mari waves goodbye to her father, Closes the door behind her, And stars walking to school. Mari always loved walking to school, The fresh air, The sunlight, The wind blowing in her face, The only thing that got in her way of her enjoying the day was her clumsiness. When Mari was walking she was about to cross the street when a car stopped her, Mari was about to try to recross again when she saw a old man with a brown Kane, A red shirt on, With white flower print. He had blue jeans, Rolled at the bottom on. He looked very old, His hair was gray, So was his long beard, No one was helping and he needed it. That's when Mari ran out to help him. She pulled him out right before a car could hit him, But with a price, She tripped on a rock, But the man was safe. Mari slowly stands back up. "Thank you miss-"
"Wane Fu.. Oh no what a disaster"
"Don't worry I am no stranger to disasters" It is the cold heard truth anyways, Mari is no stranger, She is a hard time klutz. "Also there are a few left..."
Wang reaches down picking up one and eating it "Delicious!" Well Wang was eating it the school bell ranges in the close distance. "I am going to be late!" Mari picks up the remaining macaroons, And the box into her hands, And runs off. "See you later, Sir!" Well running off Wang looks at a strange box with Chinese print on it. "Thanks, Marinette... Now time for the Chat Noir ring".
Wang is currently close to the outside of the Agreste Manor he feels a positive, And negative aura around here. He has a feeling the aura may be coming from the kid, He would make a great chat noir after his father, Maybe he could pull him out of retirement. Gabriel was the last Chat Noir with his wife wielding the ladybugs miraculous before they where a great team, One day she was killed during battle.
"M'lady look out!" Gabriel yelled well getting hit out of the way by a unnoticeable force.
"Hunny!" Emily runs, Checking Gabriel, He was bleeding bad but not enough to kill.
Gabriel try's to speak through coughs telling his wife to look out but it was to late the unnoticeable force struck her in the stomach. She was gone.
End of flashback
"Wayzz what do you think" Wang looks over at Wayzz for advice.
"I suggest choose Gabriel, I sense more negative vibes from the boy, Probably because of his mothers death" Wayzz says looking down, sad thinking about it.
"Let's go give it to him then"
Gabriel is working on a new set of fashion For is fashion line. Gabriel is a all know fashion design, People just don't know this current fashion design use to be a hero to. Gabriel went to turn around on his desk chair, That's when he saw it what he hoped to never see again, The Chinese print box. "No! No!" Gabriel says well pushing it off the desk causing it to fall open revealing a brown entire, With a red velvet surface that ring once sat on, Till it fell out from Gabriel pushing it off, Causing the little creature to fly out. "Come in Gabe we need you, Someone got there hands on the butterfly brooch and is not using it for its intended purpose" The little creature says acting desperate flying in front of Gabriel's face.
"Not after what happened to my wife.. It has haunted me ever since" Gabriel hated recalling the memory, That unnoticeable figure still seems to haunt him still to this day.
"Please Gabriel, Or we will choose your son" The little creature says hoping that would convince him.
Gabriel bursts out of his seat, Grabbing the ring and box, Gabriel walks over to his desk to a drew to put the box in.
"We would Gabe" The thing knew it would convince him.
Gabriel slips the ring on. "When do we begin, Plagg old buddy"
Mari was now in her room after school, Sitting at her desk. Her new friend Alya that she met today said she should forget about Adrian, Says, Daddy's boy and Chloe's friend, But he might not be that bad right. Well if he comes tomorrow we will see. Mari goes to spin around on her chair to find a brown box with Chinese print on it. Mari goes to pick it up, Opening it to make a bright light come out, Causing Mari to fall back in her Chair backing up. Mari goes to pick up a book ready to through at what ever magic this is. Thats when she heard talking. "Hello Marinate my name-" Mari went to go throw the book at it going to hide behind her long pink, White polka dotted longe chair. "W-What are you!"
"If let me pls explain" The thing tried to keep her distance to not frighten her.
"Keep your distance, You creature"
"I am no creature, I am a kwami. I can grant you super powers" The creature well kwami said cheerfully.
"Wait, Superpowers? What good as a superhero if I am such a klutz"
"That's not the point here, When you put the earrings in which is the miraculous, You get to become a ladybug themed superhero" The kwami sounds really happy
"Why did you choose me anyway" Mari feels a lot more comfortable now, And gets up and sits on her longe chair.
Tikki Which happens to be the kwamis name explains everything from the great guardian, The combination of both ladybugs and Chat Noirs ring, How Chat Noir is her partner but could also become her enemy in times, She also explained the reason why she's here because someone found the butterfly brooch but is now going to use it for its wrong purpose. Tikki explains everything from akumas, Powers, Her weapons, How the suits can't be destroyed, Her main goal is to find the lost miraculous and beat hawkmoth. The one thing she did forget though is to explain is how a akuma can multiply if you forget to capture it.
"Tikki, I don't think I am still up for this"
"Just trust your self, Say Tikki spots on to transform"
"Spots on?" Tikki gets sucked into the earrings Mari does not happen to go through the transformation sequence since she was in shock, The red, Black spotted suet rose up her body, Added with a yo yo on the side, Finally with a red, Black spotted mask. Mari took a moment to look at her outfit. "Well I guess, Let's go meet my partner?"
Gabriel was just finishing up work when he got a beep on his ring knowing that must be his new partner calling him. "Well, Let's go meet my new partner Plagg. Plagg? Plagg!"
"Hmm, Mmhmm... What I was busy eating" Plagg says well stuffing his face full with food.
"You cheese pig, I said let's go meet my new partner"
"Oh okay, Wait wha-"
"Plagg claws out!" Plagg did not get to finish what he got to say when he was sucked inside the ring. Gabriel went through the transformation sequence moving his hands over his eyes forming a mask, Moving both his hands above his head making the "ears", Moving his arms out letting the suet fully engulf his body. Finely flicking back his hands making the "tail". "Meow, Well hello old me.. Just meow-velous as ever. Let's go meet are new partner"
Back in Wang's massage shop he was sitting down meditating. "Do you think they will be up to it Master, Especially Gabriel"
"Only time will tell Wayzz, Time"

(1937 Words)

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