Chapter Three- First Meeting

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It was a beautiful night, The air was warm and cool, The sky was shining, The stars glistening in the midnight air, The wind on her face. Mari was really enjoying this she was on her way to the Eiffel tower to go meet her partner, Shes wondering if her partner is a girl as well, Is her partner her age or older, Well we have to see. Mari has been waiting for around 6 mins now when she herd foot steps behind her, Thats when she grabbed her yo-yo. "Easy there little lady, No need" Gabriel said, Sorry for giving her a fright, Noticing he has his hands up... So he put them down. "Hello lady Chat Noir nice to meet you" Gabriel went to kiss the back of her hand.
"H-Hi, I am ladybug you must be my partner" Mari says through a blush. Gabriel goes to stand back up. "You are quite young, I do say"
"Is that a problem" Mari says, Putting her hands on her hips, Causing her yo-yo to strap back in place.
"No! Not at all, Just see the last ladybug... You no what never mind"
"No tell me, You can"
"It's just she was the love of my life, And it's just wired seeing a ladybug"
"What happened to her?"
"She got killed one day"
"Oh no I am so sorry" Mari walks up touching Chats shoulder the best she can, Since he is so tall.
"No need it's fine"
"Ha ha ya... Well um we should both get going, See you soon"
"Ya see you soon, Well not to soon I hope ha ha"
"Ya see you little lady" Gabriel places a kiss on the back of her hand and takes off.
"Silly kitty, See you around" Ladybug takes off back home as well.

(295 Words)

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