sent. read by @crxwnedjin

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sent. read by crxwnedjin
Review by votreame


The title was appropriate for the book concept, and the cover was really nice! It wasn't overly distracting, nor was it too bland. However, the description wasn't the best since it didn't quite make sense to me?


The idea was original for sure. I hadn't come across this plot before, so I was really impressed. In the beginning, I assumed it was going to be a comedy-texting book due to the humour you added every once in a while. Although the [only because i like it when you beg] joke became overused and got boring after a while. Anyway as I continued reading I became more interested, with the story, moreover because I was confused.

The part where you added the coffin photo was when you really had me! You have no idea how many chills went down my spine. BUT I feel like Namjoon's reaction to the picture was too dramatic since, if I was talking to someone for a long time and they sent me a casket image, I would just brush it off and think it was a prank or something; not block the person immediately.

I also began to realise that the story just went on without detail and it didn't enable the reader to fully understand the concept because you didn't have any scenes where it explained Lily's death. Instead, you chose to make a 'note' chapter (which wasn't even a part of the real story) to explain the book idea.


I can't comment much on your writing skills seeing as there weren't many fully written chapters, therefore based on what I've seen so far, I feel like you don't use enough/different vocabulary. It's always the same [i said. he said. i walked. i nudged. i did this. etc] As well as this, you had some errors with spelling, which I don't know if it was intentional but it annoyed me.

Moving onto the flow of the book: it wasn't too bad actually. I think you did well, although you should make sure not to confuse your readers when jumping back to [3 years ago] to the present day. Writing in chronological order would've allowed the reader to understand easier, nonetheless, you tried your best.


Try to improve your vocabulary. You can do this by reading more books or even high-quality fanfictions. I'd also like it if you add in another chapter (or within your previous chapters) what exactly happened to the protagonist.


Practice makes perfect! Continue writing more stories and don't ever stop. You have a talent for plot ideas, though I think you just need some guidance on how to apply that idea onto paper.

We remind you to credit us, thebtswriters, and your reviewer, votreame, in the description of your story for giving you a review. Thank you for requesting!  

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