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the letter said that he was at a bomb testing sector near the town Haden when the tragdy happened. The worst part which was hard to accept were the lines that said '40 soldier died due to the fault in the launch but no traces of the bodies have been located at site', Mike was pretty shocked, he decided to search more about how the accident happened, he looked up in other newspapers and searched the internet, he found many things about the place, Haden. Haden is a place located outside the government territory, that land is still undiscovered, Haden is the name of the small area where all the government research facutlies are located, it's a free land nothing is illeagal there, people run strange tests and researches there without any limits but no ordinary civillian is allowed to go there, the accident happened when they were testing a nuke made for the army. It had a few complications because of which it's launch ended in a tragedy. This was a terrible news for Mike, this shock remained for weeks on his mind. He decided not to tell his mother as it will only make her worse, when aunt Jenn came to know about all this, another decison took place. She along with her husband decided to move in, they lived in small apartment on the other side of the town, Mike was very happy to hear this. His uncle found a good job here and on the other hand, Mike was just happy to live with someone with whom he has shared many memories. Mike went to the hospital to tell his mother about his aunt moving in. The hospital allowed him a 15 minutes talk. Lynn was very happy to hear it. He couldn't possibly tell her about his dad but after so long he saw her smiling, her eyes were glitering like silver pearls and she looked at him as if he was the first person she has seen in ages. "You are in good hands" she said forcefully, coughing and wheezing as her throat pushed out a very low and coarse sound, Mike puts his hand on her forehead "You too, maa". He didn't know how to react and couldn't help but put a smile on the face. "Now go to sleep and try to relax, nurse said that they have to perform one more test and that will be the last of this week".
There were a lot of things that were going to change after this marrige. Mike was a conservative type, an intorvert. Since his childhood, he had always been more interested in reading books alone rather than going out and meeting people. His aunt would often tell him to go out and make new friends but he couldn't really give up his desire for books over anything. He had made some friends while in college, but when it got over he realised that people are friendly as long as he is providing them something, in this case, his knowledge, help with the projects and even writting their reports sometimes. Now he was left with a very few friends, not enough for a 24 years old but friends that he could trust with all his heart.

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