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Aunt Jenn was laying his clothes on the bed and he was taking a shower when all of a sudden the front door opened with a thud, his most closest friends came in to 'enlighten' his morning. Singing a love song out loud with the voices that one would avoid listening to right in the morning. Erica Karadzic and Duke Numley were his oldest friends he met them both when he was 18, they all shared a similar story, not same but simlar. The duo circled inside the house, greeting everybody with a huge smile and then heading upstairs.

Mike had just stepped out when they entered with their arms held open. "Ayeeeeeeee" Erica gave him a tight hug, "You've grown, me boy" she was born in Russia, her carrer there as a kick boxer had made her muscular enough to squeeze a guy like Mike, for her moving into this town was a huge flip, she realised that despite being an amazing boxer she had many other talents too, Mike helped her find new options and she was amazed to discover her talent, surprisingly as a journalist. Her humour and the Russian accent made her stand out of the ordinary employees.

Duke shared the same physique but in a manly way, winner of many football cups, that guy was a tough hit. Huge chest and a bold face made him look terrifying but his character had a different body containing a calm, funny and an understanding man. They both have fun talks for a while, Duke comes up to Mike and puts his hands on his shoulder "This is the most important day in your life" Erica holds Duke back "Time out duke, don't try to be smart, the first kiss of today should blong to his wife" Mike bursts into a huge laughter and so does aunt Jenn, Duke stared at Erica with a blank face and suddenly understanding the pun, starts laughing. Aunt gets up "Okay children, let him dress up, come downstairs, I have some hot cupcakes for everybody" Mike never understood why aunt prefered addressing everyone as 'children', but he liked it.

They both give a loving smile to Mike and leave, aunt Jenn places the medicine on the table along with a glass of water, "Here, this will make you feel better" then she leaves too. Mike takes the medicines first, his head gave him little spasms of pain that felt terrible. He sits on the bed for a while holding his head with one hand and the glass of water with another. The effect of acetaminophen showed its action and he was ready to start the day.

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