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The bride was also a beautiful girl, Lily Moore, she had a unique way of talking, Mike got carried away the first time he looked into her eyes, she was a steady and bold girl, an amazing writer too. There were time when Mike couldn't express his feelings or had trouble finding words to describe his situation, introduction of Lily in his life was a blessing to him, she made everything so beautiful, so easy and creative, she had the power, the power of words.

They both were in the same college when they met each other for the first time, Mike was heading home with his earphones in, he was imitating a violin while listening to the music. He didn't see her slowly walking behind and giggling. He suddenly stands still and with his eyes closed like the artist as if he is lost in the melody. She notices something falling from his pocket and picks it up. A piece of paper with a doodle of a happy monster with a cute boy walking hand in hand, her little laugh was loud enough to divert Mike's attention towards her. "Ohh, hey" he quickly responds, she greets him with a smile, "Hi, my name is Lily" shaking hands nervously he manages to introduce himself, "I'm Huckabee, Mike Huckabee" she giggles, "What you've been listening to ? I saw you were just drifting in the music." she said "Oh it's my favourite violinist, his music is" he stares into her eyes "Amazing... um yea he' quite amazing" and that was the moment when instead of eyes he saw the entire universe, he felt like he was slowing down but he also felt his heat beat getting fast. 

After that day they met frequently, they had many things in common Lily showed him her diary, he had to put in all of his senses together just to handle the feelings that were on the pages. They both had trust in each other. They both went through everything together, they both supported each other in everything and they both were perfect in their own ways. They both were very excited and happy about the marrige.

Erica and Duke had planned all the things for the event, everybody loved the arrangements. The wedding was scheduled for 10 am at the city church, Father Noair was the officiant which was a very experienced man. The vows took place and the priest pronunced them as married. Everyone was delighted to see them together as husband and wife. Mike told Lily about the experiences he has shared with Erica and Duke, They sure made fun of Mike and shared a laugh or two but Mike loved every bit of it.

It was just perfect but like every perfect love story, there comes a coaster ride downhill at the point when you're not expecting, at the point and till the point it is tested.

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