Act II: Scene V

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I took my plan into action the next day. I had the servant, Marie, pull my corset tighter, my breasts straining against the fabric. I closed my eyes against the sight of myself in the mirror and breathed as best as I could. "Thank you, Marie."

"Aye, miss. Is this for someone special?" Someone special? Well it was. Just not the usual kind of special. This special made me feel like I was going to hurl. I really needed to get over that. I could be keeping this up for months. I already missed Horatio and Hamlet. If only Hamlet hadn't decided to leave.

I found out why that afternoon. I was walking with Ophelia when we heard voices. As gossip was one of the main forms of entertainment in Elsinore, we stopped to listen. We heard the queen's voice. "I don't understand why you had to send Hamlet away. Just because Claudius suggested it. He's not the king, you are. You get to decide."

"Gertrude, he was right, and Hamlet agreed. He needs to be more educated before he can become king, and he won't get that education here."

I glanced at Ophelia. Claudius had suggested it? That was some proof against him, as it went with what I had told her. Claudius would never be bold enough to kill a king if his son was there. So we just needed Hamlet to come back, and the elder Hamlet would be safe. Well, that was a good sign.

Marie found me in one of the many sunrooms of Elsinore and handed me a folded note. I unfolded it, confused. "Thank you, Marie."


Don't think I didn't notice you after you left me. You danced with all of those men. But none of them are equal to me, I promise you.


I let out a slow breath. It was working. I should have been happy, but instead I felt worried. It seemed too easy. Either that, or I was that good. I hoped it was the latter as I passed the note to my friend.

"Oh dear. Well, this is what you wanted, wasn't it? For him to want you? Obviously he does. You just can't let him have you, keep it going for as long as you can. That corset ought to help."

I nodded. "It also helps with not breathing. He better appreciate it," I muttered. "It better drive him crazy."

She passed the note back, and I tucked it into my dress, in my ample cleavage. "It will. He'll always look at the girls before he even sees your face." I laughed.

"Well put, Ophelia. Not what I would expect from you." I grinned at my friend. I was so glad I had told her at least some semblance of the truth. Having her on my side would make the months at least a little bearable. I fingered the cloth on my dress, thinking. "Should I respond?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. Pretend innocence," she replied.

I nodded. "I'll have to go back to my room for a quill and paper. I'll be back after I send the note." She nodded, picking up her mending. We were finally doing real work instead of the stupid embroidery. Mending clothes, which was so much easier for me. It turned out to be a calming task, which was something I desperately needed.

I walked quickly, but soon I heard footsteps behind me. "Corrine." It was him. I straightened my back and turned. I bobbed a curtsy.

"My lord," I murmured. "I was just going to reply to your note. I needed to get a quill, you see."

He nodded once. "Well now I'm here." I smiled a little.

"Yes. Here you are. I'm sorry if I offended you last night. It was not my intention." I kept my head bowed and my chest out.

"Did I misinterpret our conversation?" he asked. His voice was still cold. Oh god. Time to fix that. At least he was jealous, that much I could tell. I peered at him through my lashes, trying to gauge his feelings. Lust, definitely, and annoyance. But something else, as well. Jealousy?

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